I just read that the SHPs are the only characters, who got a pre-time skip vivre card and a post-time skip vivre card.
Oh, I forgot - beside them the only character, who got two cards as well was Lucci.
Oh, I forgot - beside them the only character, who got two cards as well was Lucci.

List of characters with at least 1 Vivre Card either side of the time skip:
- Luffy
- Zoro
- Nami
- Usopp
- Sanji
- Chopper
- Robin
- Franky
- Brook
- Jinbe
- Koby (not a Strawhat)
- Lucci (not a Strawhat)
- Smoker (not a Strawhat)
- Shanks (not a Strawhat)
- Yassopp (not a Strawhat)
- Teach (not a Strawhat)
- Kuzan (not a Strawhats)
- Sakazuki (not a Strawhat)
- Borsalino (not a Strawhat)
- Law (not a Strawhat)
- Drake (not a Strawhat)
- Kidd (not a Strawhat)
- Hancock (not a Strawhat)
- Buggy (not a Strawhat)
- Crocodile (not a Strawhat)
Regardless, why the fuck would the SHs not have pre and post skip Vivre Cards? Like bro, they're literally the main characters and have all been around since pre-skip including Jinbe. Vivre cards just show the character is important and both pre and post skip just means said important character's been around a while. I guarantee you Garp, Dragon, Vivi, Rayleigh, Tsuru, Tashigi, Hina, Helmeppo, Mihawk will all get a post skip Vivre Card too
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