Who will be the next SH?

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I just read that the SHPs are the only characters, who got a pre-time skip vivre card and a post-time skip vivre card.

Oh, I forgot - beside them the only character, who got two cards as well was Lucci. :ihaha:
this isn't true though
List of characters with at least 1 Vivre Card either side of the time skip:
- Luffy
- Zoro
- Nami
- Usopp
- Sanji
- Chopper
- Robin
- Franky
- Brook
- Jinbe
- Koby (not a Strawhat)
- Lucci (not a Strawhat)
- Smoker (not a Strawhat)
- Shanks (not a Strawhat)
- Yassopp (not a Strawhat)
- Teach (not a Strawhat)
- Kuzan (not a Strawhats)
- Sakazuki (not a Strawhat)
- Borsalino (not a Strawhat)
- Law (not a Strawhat)
- Drake (not a Strawhat)
- Kidd (not a Strawhat)
- Hancock (not a Strawhat)
- Buggy (not a Strawhat)
- Crocodile (not a Strawhat)

Regardless, why the fuck would the SHs not have pre and post skip Vivre Cards? Like bro, they're literally the main characters and have all been around since pre-skip including Jinbe. Vivre cards just show the character is important and both pre and post skip just means said important character's been around a while. I guarantee you Garp, Dragon, Vivi, Rayleigh, Tsuru, Tashigi, Hina, Helmeppo, Mihawk will all get a post skip Vivre Card too
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Why should I be trolling. CHapter 1111 just gave us:
- that Oda is starting to lay more focus on Lucci
- a Lucci not as cold as many readers see him (caring for Kaku)
- a Lucci, who is still in the game, because he still has energy left to move after succesfully separating from Zoro

This is all going well.
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Oh, and Oda hinted at Lucci's wishes not being fulfilled by the WG, which in itself makes the fissure between them more obvious now.
Nope. You can’t deceive me :gonope:
this isn't true though
List of characters with at least 1 Vivre Card either side of the time skip:
- Luffy
- Zoro
- ….
- Borsalino (not a Strawhat)
- Law (not a Strawhat)
- Drake (not a Strawhat)
- Kidd (not a Strawhat)
- Hancock (not a Strawhat)
- Buggy (not a Strawhat)
- Crocodile (not a Strawhat)

Regardless, why the fuck would the SHs not have pre and post skip Vivre Cards? Like bro, they're literally the main characters and have all been around since pre-skip including Jinbe. Vivre cards just show the character is important and both pre and post skip just means said important character's been around a while. I guarantee you Garp, Dragon, Vivi, Rayleigh, Tsuru, Tashigi, Hina, Helmeppo, Mihawk will all get a post skip Vivre Card too
So what you’re saying is Kizaru is joining the SHs confirmed?
this isn't true though
List of characters with at least 1 Vivre Card either side of the time skip:
- Luffy
- Zoro
- Nami
- Usopp
- Sanji
- Chopper
- Robin
- Franky
- Brook
- Jinbe
- Koby (not a Strawhat)
- Lucci (not a Strawhat)
- Smoker (not a Strawhat)
- Shanks (not a Strawhat)
- Yassopp (not a Strawhat)
- Teach (not a Strawhat)
- Kuzan (not a Strawhats)
- Sakazuki (not a Strawhat)
- Borsalino (not a Strawhat)
- Law (not a Strawhat)
- Drake (not a Strawhat)
- Kidd (not a Strawhat)
- Hancock (not a Strawhat)
- Buggy (not a Strawhat)
- Crocodile (not a Strawhat)

Regardless, why the fuck would the SHs not have pre and post skip Vivre Cards? Like bro, they're literally the main characters and have all been around since pre-skip including Jinbe. Vivre cards just show the character is important and both pre and post skip just means said important character's been around a while. I guarantee you Garp, Dragon, Vivi, Rayleigh, Tsuru, Tashigi, Hina, Helmeppo, Mihawk will all get a post skip Vivre Card too
I definitely need to check sources, before I post them. Well, here we go... . :kriwhat:

At least my chosen candidate for the last seat on the Sunny is proven to be as important as I said he is - at least something.
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Nope. You can’t deceive me :gonope:
You know people think you crazy, when they have difficulties deciding, if the opinion you have is actually your honest view of the matter or just blatant shitposting. :josad:
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You joke, but she and Marco are showing up soon.

Then, once Weevil is confirmed to have Whitebeard's DNA (Buckin took Newgate's toenail or some shit and mixed it with her leg hair so Vegapunk had enough of their shared DNA to clone Weevil), Marco will help break Weevil out of Impel Down with the Whitebeard Remnants.

I kind of want my theories to be wrong at this point because if they're right it's going to be a while till Elbaf
I'm still undecided on if I think Yamato is a Jinbei situation or not, but you can't deny Oda already set up perfect opponents for her in both of the end of series factions that don't fit for any other strawhat with Kuzan and Warcury.
What are your Gorosei vs SHP preferred match-ups btw? With all possible options, current nakama and potential nakama?

I actually think that Warcury could be Luffy's fight, seeing that he tends to hog more spotlight as usual (although I'd prefer him to go straight against Imu)
What are your Gorosei vs SHP preferred match-ups btw? With all possible options, current nakama and potential nakama?

I actually think that Warcury could be Luffy's fight, seeing that he tends to hog more spotlight as usual (although I'd prefer him to go straight against Imu)
Luffy vs Saturn still in this arc, Zoro vs Venus, Sanji vs Mars, Jinbei vs Jupiter, and Yamato vs Warcury. I think it actually lines up perfectly if she joins.
Luffy vs Saturn still in this arc, Zoro vs Venus, Sanji vs Mars, Jinbei vs Jupiter, and Yamato vs Warcury. I think it actually lines up perfectly if she joins.
Well, I doubt any of them will die/be defeated in Egghead, but for a re-match I'd probably throw Franky in so that Luffy can 100% concentrate on Imu, and yeah, Franky vs Saturn could be good as he's use poison explosions against the pesky spider Yokai. Or give Ju Peter to Franky and Saturn to Jinbe. Just please no Ju Peter vs any female character, for the sake of our sanity on the forum, it's deranged enough as is.
Well, I doubt any of them will die/be defeated in Egghead, but for a re-match I'd probably throw Franky in so that Luffy can 100% concentrate on Imu, and yeah, Franky vs Saturn could be good as he's use poison explosions against the pesky spider Yokai. Or give Ju Peter to Franky and Saturn to Jinbe. Just please no Ju Peter vs any female character, for the sake of our sanity on the forum, it's deranged enough as is.
I'm not counting out Luffy vs Saturn still happening in egghead. Despite the other gorosei showing up, Saturn still has all the setup as the big bad of this arc. Luffy needs to beat him to resolve Bonney and Kuma's plot.