Who will be the next SH?

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Absolutely! Though I would argue this chapter also raised a third path for her, escaping with Kaku and Lucci. It's really unlikely though since they're still on the WG side. Overall I think this chapter was good for Stussy for nakama.
Stussy's father, the Stella Vegapunk, is currently lamenting his involvement in... the use of an Ancient Machine.

Lucci and Kaku were introduced as agents of "Dark Justice" who were willing to murder innocent civilians in order to keep Pluton from being used to destroy islands.

We even had Lucci mentioning Lulusia while CP0 was on their way to Egghead.

Oda is setting up Stussy, Lucci, and Kaku to be there when Pluton is activated.

Stussy wants to honor the Stella's legacy, when Vegapunk is clearly horrified at the Mother Flame being used to destroy Lulusia; if Pluton is a counter to Urunus, as people have theorized, Stussy working to secure Pluton to protect people from the Mother Flame/Urunus fits well with her narrative.
Stussy's father, the Stella Vegapunk, is currently lamenting his involvement in... the use of an Ancient Machine.

Lucci and Kaku were introduced as agents of "Dark Justice" who were willing to murder innocent civilians in order to keep Pluton from being used to destroy islands.

We even had Lucci mentioning Lulusia while CP0 was on their way to Egghead.

Oda is setting up Stussy, Lucci, and Kaku to be there when Pluton is activated.

Stussy wants to honor the Stella's legacy, when Vegapunk is clearly horrified at the Mother Flame being used to destroy Lulusia; if Pluton is a counter to Urunus, as people have theorized, Stussy working to secure Pluton to protect people from the Mother Flame/Urunus fits well with her narrative.
Since when were Lucci and Kaku trying to stop the ancient weapons? They were trying to bring the blueprints to the WG so they could do exactly what they did to Lulusia. Franky was the one trying to stop the use of ancient weapons.
Since when were Lucci and Kaku trying to stop the ancient weapons? They were trying to bring the blueprints to the WG so they could do exactly what they did to Lulusia. Franky was the one trying to stop the use of ancient weapons.
Lucci and Kaku believe in Peace/Justice. They wanted to find Pluton to STOP it from being used for evil. Their definition of evil is just very different from mine and yours.

Once Lucci and Kaku have reasonable proof Lulusia was destroyed by Urunus/WG, I think they will have a moral dilemma.

Lucci doesn't kill people just for fun, his bloodlust is beyond random savagery. We see this when Lucci lets Chimney go without telling Spandam about her in Enies Lobby.

Lucci BELIEVES he's the good guy in this story. If Lucci and Kaku find out that an island that was a member of the World Government was destroyed, and had its king murdered without reason/warning by the WG... Kaku at least would be like "WTF this is what we were trying to stop".

Kaku is the humanizing element to Lucci, keep in mind.

It's not coincidence the antagonists that were searching for Pluton showed back up in the Ancient Technology arc.
Lucci and Kaku believe in Peace/Justice. They wanted to find Pluton to STOP it from being used for evil. Their definition of evil is just very different from mine and yours.

Once Lucci and Kaku have reasonable proof Lulusia was destroyed by Urunus/WG, I think they will have a moral dilemma.

Lucci doesn't kill people just for fun, his bloodlust is beyond random savagery. We see this when Lucci lets Chimney go without telling Spandam about her in Enies
What version of One Piece are you reading? Lucci doesn't believe in any kind of justice. He literally said he only joined the WG so he could legally kill people. Did you miss the flashback where he mass murdered unarmed innocent allies? There's no way he didn't know they would use Pluton to commit genocide. He's literally the guy they call to commit genocide and has been since he was a teenager, with no hint of remorse. Lucci caring about justice is 100% made up. You've been listening to rambles too much.
What version of One Piece are you reading? Lucci doesn't believe in any kind of justice. He literally said he only joined the WG so he could legally kill people. Did you miss the flashback where he mass murdered unarmed innocent allies? There's no way he didn't know they would use Pluton to commit genocide. He's literally the guy they call to commit genocide and has been since he was a teenager, with no hint of remorse. Lucci caring about justice is 100% made up. You've been listening to rambles too much.
Water 7 and Enies Lobby?

Yeah, younger Lucci was completely unhinged, he's mellowed out a lot.

I believe Garp taught Lucci justice/Rokushiki, and that's what caused Lucci to become less of an asshole. Still nuts, though.
Water 7 and Enies Lobby?

Yeah, younger Lucci was completely unhinged, he's mellowed out a lot.

I believe Garp taught Lucci justice/Rokushiki, and that's what caused Lucci to become less of an asshole. Still nuts, though.
Show me the panel where Lucci talks about his belief in justice. Lucci is no less of a psycho maniac now than he was. He said his motiviation was liking to kill people in the present day, not the flashback.
What version of One Piece are you reading? Lucci doesn't believe in any kind of justice. He literally said he only joined the WG so he could legally kill people. Did you miss the flashback where he mass murdered unarmed innocent allies? There's no way he didn't know they would use Pluton to commit genocide. He's literally the guy they call to commit genocide and has been since he was a teenager, with no hint of remorse. Lucci caring about justice is 100% made up. You've been listening to rambles too much.
Lucci hates pirates with a passion, because he had bad experiences with them during childhood. He literally hates them and therefore we have the panel, in which Lucci says something along the line of all we seek is blood. You see that hatred here. And Oda exploits this to the fullest, making us believe Lucci is pure evil. In reality Lucci wants normal people to be free of evil pirates, not knowing that there are also good pirates. He also did say something along these lines during the scene in Iceberg's bedroom.
Show me the panel where Lucci talks about his belief in justice. Lucci is no less of a psycho maniac now than he was. He said his motiviation was liking to kill people in the present day, not the flashback.
Water 7 and Enies Lobby made it clear Lucci believes in justice. Is he a hypocrite? Yeah. An asshole? Yeah.

Akainu ordered an entire ship full of innocent civilians to get blown up, just like Lucci murdered an entire group of hostages. Am I supposed to believe Akainu doesn't believe in justice just because he's a mass murdered? No. Lucci and Akainu just have different ideas of justice.

Lucci is like Green Bull mixed with Shiryu: he considers justice to be determined by the World Government. Unlike Shiryu or Green Bull, though, Lucci wants strong fights.

Lucci has no interest in a little girl when he can fight Luffy. Lucci IS nuts, but, he takes his job seriously. Even in Water 7 he left the Franky Family members he attacked alive. If Lucci was as murderous as you all think, they'd be dead.

Lucci likes killing people, so, Lucci likes having a job that lets him kill people who are "evil" in the name of "dark justice".

Lucci BELIEVES he is the good guy. This is what most people miss about his character.

Interested to see how Lucci reacts to Stussy freeing Kaku.
Water 7 and Enies Lobby made it clear Lucci believes in justice. Is he a hypocrite? Yeah. An asshole? Yeah.

Akainu ordered an entire ship full of innocent civilians to get blown up, just like Lucci murdered an entire group of hostages. Am I supposed to believe Akainu doesn't believe in justice just because he's a mass murdered? No. Lucci and Akainu just have different ideas of justice.

Lucci is like Green Bull mixed with Shiryu: he considers justice to be determined by the World Government. Unlike Shiryu or Green Bull, though, Lucci wants strong fights.

Lucci has no interest in a little girl when he can fight Luffy. Lucci IS nuts, but, he takes his job seriously. Even in Water 7 he left the Franky Family members he attacked alive. If Lucci was as murderous as you all think, they'd be dead.

Lucci likes killing people, so, Lucci likes having a job that lets him kill people who are "evil" in the name of "dark justice".

Lucci BELIEVES he is the good guy. This is what most people miss about his character.

Interested to see how Lucci reacts to Stussy freeing Kaku.
Translation- whatever the world government does is automatically right even if it's genocide of innocents. That doesn't sound like a heartfelt personal moral code that will lead him to betray the WG to prevent masacres does it?
Since the WG ordered this, it was justified right? So why does he have a problem with lulusia? Why does he suddenly want to protect the innocent? The "murder is justified when we're here" line is exactly what I'm saying. Like he says, he joined CP9 just so he could kill people legally. That's the whole point. Also, source on Lucci being traumatized by pirates as a kid or trained by Garp? There's a lot of wild headcannon in your posts.

He never tried to get pluton to protect it from pirates. It was safe for hundereds of years and no one was after it. He stole the blueprints so the world government could build it and use it.

There's no underlying theme of justice. He never once mentions believing in any higher principal or thinking he's the good guy. All there is is him touting his authority and the authority of his organization. None of this leads to him protecting innocents from the world government. You've been drinking Rambles' kool-aid if you really think that.
Translation- whatever the world government does is automatically right even if it's genocide of innocents. That doesn't sound like a heartfelt personal moral code that will lead him to betray the WG to prevent masacres does it?
Since the WG ordered this, it was justified right? So why does he have a problem with lulusia? Why does he suddenly want to protect the innocent? The "murder is justified when we're here" line is exactly what I'm saying. Like he says, he joined CP9 just so he could kill people legally. That's the whole point. Also, source on Lucci being traumatized by pirates as a kid or trained by Garp? There's a lot of wild headcannon in your posts.

He never tried to get pluton to protect it from pirates. It was safe for hundereds of years and no one was after it. He stole the blueprints so the world government could build it and use it.

There's no underlying theme of justice. He never once mentions believing in any higher principal or thinking he's the good guy. All there is is him touting his authority and the authority of his organization. None of this leads to him protecting innocents from the world government. You've been drinking Rambles' kool-aid if you really think that.
...I never said Lucci was traumatized by pirates, Rambles did???

I view Lucci as the Akainu of Cipher Pol. Someone who is so obsessed with justice that they've lost all actual sense of justice.

Lucci's problem with Lulusia was more like he didn't feel the government was giving CP0 the full story about Vegapunk/Lulusia... and, well, he was right.

This shows Lucci is willing to question his orders/superiors (we see this with Spandam in Enies Lobby).

The Straw Hats are good guys, we know they don't want Pluton/want to use it. Is that the same for other pirates?

Imagine Teach actually gets Pluton. This is what Lucci's Dark Justice is; doing evil things to stop worse evil. Was Iceberg a well respected man who CP9 didn't want to kill? Yep, they all liked him. But, to Lucci, the threat of Pluton was worth murdering Iceberg, even though he was a world-renowned genius and philanthropist.

Vegapunk has: created a power source capable of causing mass destruction; given the WG cyborg weapons of mass destruction; given a 12-year-old girl cyborg weapons of mass destruction; and created the Seastone ships that allowed the Calm Belt to be invaded.

Why was Lucci comfortable killing Vegapunk in the name of justice?

Vegapunk's dangerous as all hell.

Lucci's entire character is based on Dark Justice, if you don't want to accept that, whatever, but could you please stop acting like I'm brainwashed by Rambles for believing shit about Lucci I believed before I even knew Rambles?


"D: In Chapter 422, it said that Rob Lucci killed 500 hostages and took the captain's head. Why did he have to kill the 500 hostages? by Wiper is the Coolest!!
O: I know, why? It's terrible. Why couldn't he just kill the bad guys? However, I had to shorten some things to make the pace move quicker. Lucci is a man who believes that "weakness is a sin". Therefore, if these soldiers were weak enough to be captured and expose the country to danger, they could do the same thing again in the future. So he arrived at the answer that these weak soldiers did not have the right to live, and took action accordingly. It's a hair-raising philosophy. Thanks for beating him, Luffy!!"

Lucci killed the soldiers because he believed they had failed to protect the people of their country. IE, DARK JUSTICE.

No one was after Pluton???? REALLY??? OH, FUCK, GUESS I HALLUCINATED THIS GUY:

The ENTIRE REASON Robin had the government after her in Water 7 was because Robin worked with Crocodile to find Pluton. Yeah, Robin lied to Crocodile about Pluton; the WG doesn't care. Once they realized Croc had been after Pluton, and Robin had helped, at all, they sent Cipher Pol after Robin.

The part about Garp I shouldn't have added, I'm of the mindset that Garp teaches Rokushiki to a lot of new recruits, since Koby has learned it while working under Garp.

All right, I'm done here. Lucci believes in justice, you just disagree with Lucci's ideals of justice. I disagree with Lucci's ideals of justice, too.

"We should activate this weapon and put an end to this great age of voyages. We should use the weapon as a force for justice!"

"Yet you would dare to stand in our way? Even now, people the world over are being victimized by pirates... and you're saying you won't help them?"

Can Lucci be redeemed? Only Oda knows, but, yeah, Lucci is swimming in the kool aid, Lucci believes his actions are aligned with justice.
I'll bet with you when your finished wearing the bet avis from your other bets. That would be in about 30 years. I'll be dead by then unfortunately.
You could always clone yourself, like Vegapunk.

Heck, get some Mink DNA, you can just... turn into Bisoromi Bear, I guess, LOL.

At this point, to be honest, I can't see Lucci joining the crew. I've tried to make it work, but, his raw antagonism for the Straw Hats is just too great.

Instead, I think Lucci, Kaku, and Stussy will end up forming the "Good" version of Cross Guild; people that ignore all laws in order to hunt corrupt pirates/government officials.

Kaku straight up knows the Straw Hats are good people, and Stussy is clearly willing to work with Pirates.

Cross Guild breaks all laws to kill Marines, the New Cipher Pol will break all laws to go after criminals. Not people the government has called criminals, just people that do evil.

CP9's cover series proves they are capable of living in society without harming anyone. It's the government that's the problem.
