Mfw people are still acting like strength matters for a crew.

Let's just pretend the East Blue wasn't 20% weaklings, or 33% in the case of ALL pretimeskip didn't have weaklings.
As much as Usopp is the man, he is seriously outclassed by the other 7 stronger crewmates. Chopper is debatable, and Nami already lost her temporary power boost Zeus to Big Meme this arc (with little chance of getting him back).

Let's just pretend the East Blue wasn't 20% weaklings, or 33% in the case of ALL pretimeskip didn't have weaklings.
As much as Usopp is the man, he is seriously outclassed by the other 7 stronger crewmates. Chopper is debatable, and Nami already lost her temporary power boost Zeus to Big Meme this arc (with little chance of getting him back).