I assume that we'll see the Robin/Sanji, Brook, Jinbe, Yamato scenes next chapter (Oda seemed to be going in order based on that one CP-0 page in 1003).
If Yamato is fighting Jack or someone significant, that's a huge point to her considering like all other Strawhats, she's fighting Beast Pirate.
Edit: Thinking about it now, it quite literally has to be Jack. Shes there on the page where the executives are mentioned, indicating shes facing a F5 or Calamity. Virtually every executive is accounted for, EXCEPT Jack:
- Ulti/P1- Chasing Nami/Usopp
- Sasaki- With Franky
- WsW- With Jinbe
- Black Maria- With Sanji
- Queen and King- With Marco
Like unless its fodder (the Numbers are seemingly too stupid to find them, but maybe) or Orochi's henchmen, which would make it weird as to why Oda put her there when CP-0 mentioned Beast Pirate executives, it literally has to be Jack lol.
unless its the Ace