Who will be the next Strawhat

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Again, you are all certain that a journal of a guy who has been on Laugh Tale should not contain details about Laugh Tale.
What if it does?

Well Oda’s basically said he’ll give us more information in Wano about the Void Century plot, but Luffy won’t care and it won’t spoil too much, so anything in the journal just isn’t going to be much of a problem.
Better question - what details do YOU think could convince Luffy not to go there? This is the one place where he can achieve the dream he’s had for most of his life, so do you really think he would be dissuaded because someone on his ship read a description of the place? Or that Yamato would blurt it all out for him against his wishes?
No I am not thinking this. What I think is that Luffy might not want to have in his crew a guy who knows too much.
Luffy didn't want to know anything from rayleigh, he wants to discover everything by himself, so if yamato know any kind of detail concerning laugh tale or any other secret. But anyway is up to Oda.
I believe that even Roger himself coming to Luffy and spoil him about everything concerning what will he find in Laugh Tale i believe would not be enough to dissuade Luffy to go there.

Well Oda’s basically said he’ll give us more information in Wano about the Void Century plot, but Luffy won’t care and it won’t spoil too much, so anything in the journal just isn’t going to be much of a problem.
So there's also the possibility that Luffy will learn anyway in this arc some important secret that is contained in the journal


Zoro Worshipper
I honestly want Yamato and Momo in the crew, she can be his body guard. This kid seems more important than what we are led to believe.
Seems like Momo is presumptively destined to stay on Wano and become a great warrior with Tama remaining as a friend. I seriously doubt he will become Shogun very soon however so if perhaps Kin'emon survived and Yamato joined the crew, he might be the one to become.
i believe the only thing the diary has about Laugh Tale is what we already saw: 'Roger laughed'.
every other important information in the diary will be revealed in this arc so it will not reveal anything that Luffy will need to learn by himself and it will not matter how much Yamato knows
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people forget the poneglyphs were not the only source of information oden and roger had because they also had toki. any information Toki told them and is not written in the poneglyphs is information Luffy will not have on his adventure and those information could be what Oden put in his diary.
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Bodyguard was recently suggested as a role, and while it does sound weird for Luffy to have one, I suppose Yamato could be one in light of Yamato challenging Kaido in Chapter 1015 after Luffy, as well as Zoro, got incapacitated after trying to fight him. This could also extend to when Yamato attacked Ulti to save Luffy and defended Momo and Shinobu against Sasaki.


The Major characters who helped Luffy in Impel Down and Marine Ford:
Jinbe -> already a crewmate.
Law -> ally and friend , he wants to learn about the D. and he has the utmost belief in Luffy so he will continue to be on the sunny.
Marco -> ally , he praise the strawhats being fun and that he likes them, even after this arc i expect him to help them against BB as well so he will at least accompany them for a while and maybe even more.
Hancock -> friend and ally . Luffy promised her to pay her back for the help , don't know what happened to her but i expect even if she was not captured she will not be able to stay in Amazon Lilly so she might follow Luffy.
Bon Clay -> friend and ally expect him to help later too
Crocodile -> temporary ally and gained much respect for Luffy it is not inevitable that they meet again and he will not be an enemy anymore .
Buggy -> he might lose his crew :D but still flee he might ask Luffy for help
Shanks -> if he survives he might accompany Luffy to Raftel alongside Buggy since they are the only two Roger pirates eh were not there
Fans of certain character are like "we are tards, even after every development about Yamato, we still believe that she is not going to join"

Coz our favorite character, who is a useless one with no story arc, relevancy or whatsoever will be the next nakama
There's NO development on Yamato yet.
Yamato is saying the same things he/she was saying when was presented.
Yamato still has to have his/her development, which can exclude him/her from the Mugis, like it or not.
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Yamato's role will be a chronicler, she will compile a book on SH's adventures from the beginning, this is the story of One Piece. Coz the entire story is a narration of Luffy's adventure.
Yeah, she's gonna write the end instead of Ussop and Robin, because is the only thing Yamato can do on the crew, Nothing.
And sorry to say it like that, but it's true, Yamato doesn't have anything to do in the crew, and all you purpose are roles that have no sense or that are occupied by others xDxD
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Speaking about role. Yamato was imprisoned in onigashima for 20 years. That means she may not know any technical skills on ship. But I find it ridiculous that her name comes from battleship name reference because she may not has technical skill. I think she is brawl-type person maybe because she was trained to be strong by the WSC. So a role that need strong person may fit for her

we know that kaido have high hope for yamato to become shogun of wano. I guess kaido makes her learned something like a leadership. So be it. Yamato role will be strong shogun
What I really mean in here is
Army commander or maybe like grandfleet commander. It will be useful for final war that include so many people. Like I said she maybe learned something about leadership or commanding

Another possible role is a cannoner. Her attack does not feel like a slash but more like a shotgun. I think she would cover more distance target bcs her attack is based on arrow (long range).

A shogun (army commander) that doing shotgun :leohah:

My prediction is yamato's role either will be cannoner or maybe fleet commander
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