I don't think it requires a devil fruit. It could just be really good vision. Observation Haki could work too but she's never going to surpass Ussop or Sanji at that. It's obviously just not that impressive of a job, so it's not going to be as flashy as some of the others, but to be fair, people are arguing that Yamato should be the chronicler, and that takes even less skill. I think they're in a similar position to be honest.
Edit: I think it's funny that Yamato fans are calling me out for Carrot bias over an argument that started with me posting a giant wall of text about why Yamato has a better chance than Carrot.
@JoSeungHun7335 when did I ever hate on Yamato? The problem with arguing for two characters that are competing in some people's eyes is that everyone assumes I'm arguing against the other. I have never and will never hate on Yamato because I'm a huge Yamato fan. Don't generalize. And I never said Ussop is nothing special I said he was nothing special when he first joined, which I stand by. His shot on Sugar will probably go unrivaled by anyone else in the series, and he will no doubt go down in history as the greatest sniper who ever lived. It doesn't change the fact that he was a pretty unimpressive kid when the story began.
Edit: I think it's funny that Yamato fans are calling me out for Carrot bias over an argument that started with me posting a giant wall of text about why Yamato has a better chance than Carrot.
@JoSeungHun7335 when did I ever hate on Yamato? The problem with arguing for two characters that are competing in some people's eyes is that everyone assumes I'm arguing against the other. I have never and will never hate on Yamato because I'm a huge Yamato fan. Don't generalize. And I never said Ussop is nothing special I said he was nothing special when he first joined, which I stand by. His shot on Sugar will probably go unrivaled by anyone else in the series, and he will no doubt go down in history as the greatest sniper who ever lived. It doesn't change the fact that he was a pretty unimpressive kid when the story began.
And for Usopp, it’s not you also. I watched it in some youtube comment about Carrot joining, and started to hate on Usopp because Carrot fan there said that “if Carrot is nothing special, so is Usopp”. Usopp wasn’t that special, but to think of it back then most of SHP were close ranged combatants. Usopp as a sniper although he was pretty unimpressive & weakest, his far ranged combat style is important. It’s like Zoro is officially the close-ranged combatant, while Usopp is the far-ranged combatant. That’s why I didn’t reply/quote you because I wasn’t talking about you.