And Yamato has a whole arc to pass this bar, so what's the problem?
You mean when Sanji addressed Ussop, Nami and Zoro together at the table ? Lmfao where did Sanji ever interact with Zoro at Baratie? Sanji only gave a special drink to Nami and got scolded by Ussop for serving him mushrooms. Sanji had more interaction with Luffy on Baratie than anyone else in the crew.

And Yamato has already interacted with Luffy and Franky.
Your also using jinbe as a example and allowing his interactions from 2 different arcs Fishman Island and WCI- neither of which are the arcs where Jinbe is introduced, but your only allowing Wano for Yamato, the arc's she's introduced?? The bulk of Carrot's interaction also happened during WCI, not in the Zou Arc. Don't be a hypocrite.
He didn't join after Impel Down. If he did, then that would counter my argument. Instead, he only joined after 2 additional arcs of straw hat bonding to which he was finally welcomed into the crew as a long lost family member.
All of the examples you have quoted above happened in different stages of an arc, with Franky and Jinbe's being very late into their respective arcs. If this is okay for Franky and Jinbe, why isn't okay for Yamato? Again, hypocrite much?
The moment in which Franky and Jinbe are having their big moments fighting alongside the straw hats in the climax of the arc after having interacted with them throughout, is comparatively only just when Yamao is first getting introduced into the story...Maybe now you'll realise how laughably behind she is.
If Oda wrote Franky like he wrote Yamao, then we wouldn't have seen:
Franky name dropped from the 6th chapter
Franky beat up Usopp
Franky vs Luffy
Franky and Usopp arguing over the merry
Franky and Usopp getting captured
Franky, Usopp and Sanji fighting through the sea train
Franky, Usopp and Sanji temporarily rescuing Robin
Franky telling Robin "It's never a crime just to exist"
Franky fighting CP9 along with the straw hats
Instead we would've met Franky for the very first time at Enies Lobby just before the battle for the keys started. He'd claim that he hates Spandam and Lucci and that he wants to fight with Luffy. Luffy would call him "Frank-guy", then instead of fighting one of the CP9 agents he'd be sent off, alongside Granny Kokoro, Chimney and Gonbe to look after Iceburg and ensure no harm came his way. Then later he'd come to stall against Lucci and Spandam, making empty claims of joining Luffy's crew all the while.
And your intentionally ignoring the fact that every straw hat who joined had a arc dedicated to them where they were the main character
Your the one intentionally trying to downplay the importance of Yamato and Luffy's relationship