Who will be the next Strawhat

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AL sama

Red Haired
I don't agree with you BECAUSE what you said is not factual. There is no proof of Worry in the strawhats mind when the full trust is present. This is because Oda wants us to understand that trust negates worries. This is the pinnacle of trust. Of course, once their is a missinformation thrown at them, only then they start to worry. But Oda is clear to make a big difference between the two.
if only misfortune can make them worry then their bonds would be very fickle

trusting means having faith and believing but it can't make your wotries or concerns disappear especially if its regarding someone very close to you

strawhats wholeheartedly trusts luffy and that suppresses their worries to a great degree but he is very dear to them so they're bound to be worried
No it doesn't

peer re·view
/ˌpi(ə)r rəˈvyo͞o/

  1. evaluation of scientific, academic, or professional work by others working in the same field.
Science and academics.. you are right I forgot this one.

You are right this one time, its not for debate. Why? Because everything else you are wrong. You have a long way in front of you, if you want to analyze the story as good as some people here.

Why should he believe you? As always you are wrong. Its the other way around. YOU have to believe HIM!

You will soon realize you can learn a lot from the people here.
No. Here i'm right. And you could ask on any forum about storytelling and the craft. What that guy described are not foreshadowing.. at all.

Like I said.. the One Piece fanbase as a very poor udnerstanding of the rules of storytelling and precisely the concept of "foreshadowing". My work is here to correct that missinformation.

No. That's just your opinion.
If watching for the dawn is such a big deal Pedro just should have lived. Besides Yamato can do that instead, she's just superior in every way.
No. That's a fact. If what he said was true. Oda would have shown Strawhat worrying while in battle and without informations. This has never been the case.

One a strawhat say "trust me".. each one of them trust and do not worry.. UNLESS that are informed of a bad situation about their comrad.. It's a rule in the strawhats.

if only misfortune can make them worry then their bonds would be very fickle
On the contrary, trust is the most blatent proof of friendship their is. In fact in One Piece, this kind of trust is almost superhuman. We regular people can't really trust that easily.. or this is called faith.

trusting means having faith and believing but it can't make your wotries or concerns disappear especially if its regarding someone very close to you
Yes, in the human world, but in One Piece, Oda makes a principle that trust negates worry.. But like I said, it is true ONLY if the strawhat don't have informations about their comarad.. once they have that.. they start to become "human" again and start to worry.
Simple. In chapter 824 at the very end of the chapter.

If Oda mentionned the name Yamato or even.. if Oda would have shown her in the shadow.. This would have raise huge question and prepared Yamato more skillfully.

Oda is used to do that (he did that with Pudding in Fishmen Island) the thing is.. Yamato was a late introduction with only one little foreshadowing just before her introduction. It was not enough. That's why I think Yamato was a very late addition to the story from Oda.
I think it's was perfect with Kaido asking for his son and the masked thing too also the twist between Yamato and Kaido's relationship and who she wants to be like. Also the gender stuff too
I think it's was perfect with Kaido asking for his son and the masked thing too also the twist between Yamato and Kaido's relationship and who she wants to be like. Also the gender stuff too
It was sadly too late. This was a big mistake from Oda. It made Yamato feel "forced" in the story. Because she started to be important right away.
friendship without any concern for the FRIEND isn't true friendship
On the contrary. This is what real trust is really about. This is the point Oda is making with the strawhat. They trust eachother so much taht they do not need to worry. Their is nothing more fruitfull that a realtion where there is no worry. You can have concern, but only if you notice something worthy of concern (like the strawhat being concerned about Luffy's power in thriller bark), but if you worry for someone in the wrong moment, you risk putting a unneeded burden on yourself and the person you are worrying for.

Real trust is hard to achieve, but this is the best kind of relationship you can aspire to. At least this is what One Piece taught me.
It was sadly too late. This was a big mistake from Oda. It made Yamato feel "forced" in the story. Because she started to be important right away.
Hmmm, Only to you alone she was already important when she started to help out luffy and the ace connect not to mention the Oden's logbook when everyone was asking who did have it when it was Yamato(Kaido's Daughter)

AL sama

Red Haired
On the contrary. This is what real trust is really about. This is the point Oda is making with the strawhat. They trust eachother so much taht they do not need to worry. Their is nothing more fruitfull that a realtion where there is no worry. You can have concern, but only if you notice something worthy of concern (like the strawhat being concerned about Luffy's power in thriller bark), but if you worry for someone in the wrong moment, you risk putting a unneeded burden on yourself and the person you are worrying for.

Real trust is hard to achieve, but this is the best kind of relationship you can aspire to. At least this is what One Piece taught me.
I agree to wholeheartedly disagree with this buddy
Hmmm, Only to you alone she was already important when she started to help out luffy and the ace connect not to mention the Oden's logbook when everyone was asking who did have it when it was Yamato(Kaido's Daughter)
Personnally I don't feel that Yamato is forced because I like her character very much. But in a pure storytelling way, she is indeed forced to late too much. Their is no balance. A good thing would have been to introduced her in Wano instead of Onigashima. That way, her story would have felt less unbalanced.
On the contrary. This is what real trust is really about. This is the point Oda is making with the strawhat. They trust eachother so much taht they do not need to worry. Their is nothing more fruitfull that a realtion where there is no worry. You can have concern, but only if you notice something worthy of concern (like the strawhat being concerned about Luffy's power in thriller bark), but if you worry for someone in the wrong moment, you risk putting a unneeded burden on yourself and the person you are worrying for.

Real trust is hard to achieve, but this is the best kind of relationship you can aspire to. At least this is what One Piece taught me.
You have a mixed up view of reality etc.
Personnally I don't feel that Yamato is forced because I like her character very much. But in a pure storytelling way, she is indeed forced to late too much. Their is no balance. A good thing would have been to introduced her in Wano instead of Onigashima. That way, her story would have felt less unbalanced.
U do know that she was trapped on Onigashima right? And the only time we get to see kaido is when he is in the capital and in his little darkroom so please tell us how we would see Yamato
on the contrary the trust you're talking about is nothing more then stupidity
No, this is true trust. Exactly what the strawhat are doing with eachothers. But if you didn't understand that by know.. sadly I don't think you will ever understand it..

U do know that she was trapped on Onigashima right? And the only time we get to see kaido is when he is in the capital and in his little darkroom so please tell us how we would see Yamato
There is always a way to make an introduction of a character. The fact that Yamato was on Onigashima is not an excuse. In chapter 8524 Kaido was also on Onigashima.
What might Carrot and Yamato's Straw Hat color be?

I think for Yamato white is the most likely color for her. Since she has a lot of white from her clothing to her hair and probably her Zoan forms as well.

Considering that Franky is a lighter shade of blue compared to Sanji's I can see something similar with Carrot. Possibly something like a light grass green to represent her Zou and Mink origins. Or a shade of orange to match carrot colors.

What colors might other characters represent if they were to join the crew?

AL sama

Red Haired
No, this is true trust. Exactly what the strawhat are doing with eachothers. But if you didn't understand that by know.. sadly I don't think you will ever understand it..
sure fam sure lol
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No, this is true trust. Exactly what the strawhat are doing with eachothers. But if you didn't understand that by know.. sadly I don't think you will ever understand it..
also they aren't doing it but its what you're assuming
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What might Carrot and Yamato's Straw Hat color be?

I think for Yamato white is the most likely color for her. Since she has a lot of white from her clothing to her hair and probably her Zoan forms as well.

Considering that Franky is a lighter shade of blue compared to Sanji's I can see something similar with Carrot. Possibly something like a light grass green to represent her Zou and Mink origins. Or a shade of orange to match carrot colors.

What colors might other characters represent if they were to join the crew?
I pretty much have the theory about colors. You see, the 6 main colors of rainbow (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, violet) are the colors of 6 human members of Straw Hats:

Red: Luffy; Orange: Nami; Yellow: Usopp; Green: Zoro; Blue: Sanji; Violet: Robin

Brook’s official color is Black and White, therefore he represents the balancing. However the “Black” represents “stronger”, “White” represents “weaker”. For example:

Red: Luffy
Pink: Chopper

Luffy is stronger than Chopper because pink is lighter shade of red. Also like Franky, his official color is Cyan. Sanji’s official color is blue, although Sanji almost rarely seen in blue colored suits post timeskip. Cyan is lighter shade than Blue, therefore Franky is weaker than Sanji. My theory is further proved when Jinbe’s color is Ochre, and Yellow is Usopp. Ochre is darker shade of Yellow, Jinbe is stronger than Usopp

So, since Yamato is among the strongest ones, her most possible color is Persimmon. It’s darker shade of Orange, and Yamato is obviously stronger than Nami.
There is always a way to make an introduction of a character. The fact that Yamato was on Onigashima is not an excuse. In chapter 8524 Kaido was also on Onigashima
I hope that when u talk about kaido being in onigashima it's was the same darkroom we see him while he was crying nowhere else also the full introduction of the tobi roppo and Yamato was in the same chapter so let's not go there okay
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