No, contrary to those people, I base my reasonning on actual narrative knowledge. So, it's completely different.
I'll be frank, you're the most common people here who has the least (I say close to zero) reference on logic...
There are three possibilities for me:
- The arrival of an admiral could convince Yamato that staying is the right thing to do
- The presence of the beast Pirate could lead Yamato to want to stay to protect the country
- Momo could simply ask Yamato to stay.
- Ryokugyu won't invade Wano...
- They're already at peace with the people because they didn't become slaves... Some may have even left Wano but that's irrelevant...
- That would be stupid, depriving Yamato of her dreams...
Like you guyz said, Yamato could be the weakest joining in the strawhats, that's for a good reason I already explained:
The non-presence of the refusal of the call to adventure.
- Zoro refused during his encounter
- Nami refused during Arlong park
- Usopp later refused to stay on water Seven, that refusal was prepared since the beginning.
- Sanji refused during baratie
- Chopper refused during Drum
- Robin later refused to leave with them during Ennie Lobby
- Franky refused during water seven
- Brook refused to take his shadow back on thriller bark
- Jinbe refused because of responsibilities during Fishmen Island
ALL the strawhat at one time refused to join the crew, that refusal sealed their future presence.
Yamato doesn't have that, worst she is doing the opposite.
This is why for now.. Yamato is still unlikely to join the crew.

THe thing is.. a refusal has been setup for Carrot.
Yeah right, Oda refuses to make that background character join...
Since we are entering the final saga, you all think we have room for more Strawhats after Yamato?
"Final arc" statement makes me think that Yamato may be the last... Though I believe Vivi will join the crew (doesn't matter if as a crew or not) going to Laugh Tale because she deserves it...
Okay if that's your reason then that means Yamato is just like Rockstar in Kaido crew 😭
I say, Rockstar is like Hawkins in the Beast Pirates or Tamago in the Big Mom Pirates...
Honestly I always felt ben beckman would fight either zoro or sanji. Possible Mihhawk if he is being recruited by shanks.
I always felt like luffy would have to fight shanks with his own crew without his allies backing him up. The fight would be more on friendly terms.
Mihawk would be Zoro's because Oda is setting up the Luffy-Zoro "parallel"... Sanji will fight Beckman to signify him as a bona fide YC1 tier...
He didn't. The SBS I linked above is from Oda saying who the captains are in Volume 101. That's my point, he's still considered a rookie.
Rockstar is with them in film red previews because he's the only other named character in Shanks' crew. But if you look closely, Shanks has other unique unknown members that arent officers.
Rockstar may be a rookie pre-timeskip, but like the SHs, he may have became powerful over the course of the story... Even Koby evolved from a fodder in MF arc to someone who became a threat even to the likes of Hancock...
Because like I said: Every strawhats once refused the call for adventure. Yamato will never refuse the adventure concerning the strawhat.. so them joining is unlikely.
Headcanon... Huang Piece logic doesn't work...
Yes there is, we don't know much Yamato's mom, we do not know much about the oni race, we have no idea where Yamato's was born, and we definitely do not know why Kaido refer Yamato's as son and how she was before she saw oden.
He prefers knowing why Carrot's cape is green...
I always talk about thing that have narrative ground in the story, if you are inventing setups, it's on you.
But your approach is wrong:
- Not sure if you really read One Piece holistically, it looks like you don't... You either read Huang Piece or only "analyze" parts where Carrot appears...
- You're desperately applying BS which doesn't always apply to every literary works...
- You're trying to be ahead of Oda, putting words into his mouth...
- You ignore how the story works to favor your own agenda and propaganda...
- Too much copium is dangerous to your health...