Who will be the next Strawhat

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King the Dog he represent loyalty
Hancock the dragon She is associated with snakes and wears a Chinese dress Chinese dragons are just big snakes
Aokoji the Rat He probably ratted something about BB to Dragon
A red herring is when a misdirection is promoted + the truth is concealed.

As all now know, Yamao was the misdirection. The 2nd part of the twist involves revealing the real next nakama, who was hidden from readers all along.

The only character to fit that criteria within the next couple of chapters is Carrot. She is the next straw hat.
But if Carrot joins who's going to lead the Monks? Serious question
But if Carrot joins who's going to lead the Monks? Serious question
Sicillian and Wanda. Oda already set up Sicillian to be the replacement for the Dukes at the start of the raid.
The reasoning the Dukes used for Carrot to be the ruler was so weak that there are actually theories suggesting the dukes did it intentionally to try and make Carrot run away again.

I'm pretty sure you're meming but I just hate when people don't think logically.
No I am not memeing look at all the similarities King has with Robin both were second in command, both are highly wanted by the WG, Both were introduced in November, both were in Government captivity Robin in Tequila Wolf, King in Punk Hazard , an Admiral Aokoji and Green Bull were introduced beating on them etc
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