Captain vs Captain yes
Swordsman vs Swordsman yes
Sniper vs Sniper yes
Doctor vs Doctor yes
But Nami vs Catarina doesn’t make sense like Robin vs Catarina, Nami vs Pizarro makes way more sense.
Brook never fights important members (honestly he never has gotten a legit one v one outside of fishman island) of the crew so him fighting the chief of staff is a hard no.
BB pirates 1 - 5 vs East Blue SHs
BB pirates 6 - 10 vs Paradise SHs
Ex Warlord Moriah vs Ex Warlord Jinbe
Those are arbitrary points that are not once mentioned within the story.
First off, you say it makes more sense, but fail to provide why that´s the case (especially considering Nami´s match-ups were always women, unlike Robin).
Second, Brook was only part of two arcs in which Strawhats got traditional match-ups, one was FI, one is this arc, and his role is also not over in this arc.
To deduct any kind of criteria from that is nonsense, no offense.
Usopp never had a traditional 1vs1 except FI, i guess he ain´t fighting Augur either... (unless you wanna count Perona...)
Also, what does important members even mean? The OG Blackbeard Pirates? Why are they more important?
Shiryuu is not an OG member, isn´t he too unimportant for Zoro?