Break Week No, Zoro is NOT "Done" After Defeating King

Will Zoro fight again during the Wano arc?

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You’re assuming it needs to be a one to one, exact replica of what Ryuma did to be a parallel.

It really doesn’t. People watching it, it being over the FC, these are just the minutia. As long it’s killing a dragon over Wano, to save Wano, then that’s enough. Oda might not even want the people of Wano to know about it, he might be happy enough with the readers just being aware.
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At this stage I question whether it’s especially relevant that they do. The Kozuki acknowledge him, the Scabbards do, so do the samurai who are fighting on Wano. That’s… pretty much every relevant character in Wano except Gyukimaru, Tenguyama and Otoko, and they already know Zoro’s great as well.

Zoro certainly doesn’t care what the people of Wano think of him. And that is very important.

And it can always be played the same way as TB, with some of the samurai fighting in Wano telling the story of what Zoro did to the others at the party or something.

I’d point out that none of these things have came directly from Oda.

Zoro has done something big on Wano, he’s beaten King and scarred Kaido. I’d like more to happen with Kaido, but I don’t think it’s at all a certainty or anything that was “promised” to us.

Because always remember, what Oda promises may not be what the reader expects. Oda promised a year of Sanji. (And that was actually from Oda, not any editors or whatever). That did not turn out to be “Sanji wrecks hisnway through Yonko territory“ though.
Oda didnt promise anything, it is just the narration that is point on Kaido death, in fact ZKK started just because of Ryuma but is much more than that. Anyway what the point in a discussion when it is clearly a case in which you think that Zoro done enough, and we think that something huge is still missing.

In any case the Sanji year, Sanji had the last say with Big Mom even if it was to feed a cake to Big Mom.
Zoro could have the last say with Kaido jsut to be fair with the 2 wings isnt it? :suresure:not feeding a cake but cutting a dragon.
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Slaying King's magma dragon did not in any way "save Wano" though.
It is saving Wano though. In the course of fighting to save Wano from the dread Oni Kaido, Zoro cut down the great magma dragon in the skies above the island. That’s something that could easily be framed as becoming a new legend in years to come. It’s not like we actually know what the circumstances of Ryuma vs a dragon were- Monsters is pretty clearly not what happened in the One Piece world, it’s just a prototype.

I’ll also point out that Gyukimaru does not say Ryuma saved Wano from a dragon either. All he said was that Ryuma slaying a dragon over the FC was one of his legends.
He should be recognised as a hero to the people of Wano.
He will be, he’s a Strawhat.

If Oda wants to make more of that, great, I won’t complain, but Zoro doesn’t care about it. He’s been pretty explicit about not wanting to be known as a hero.

Like I said, the people that actually matter on Wano know about Zoro, I don’t especially care if the random citizens do.

Yall are consistent I'll give you that

ZKK has changed so much since the beginning
  • Started with Zoro outshining Luffy, 1vs1'ing and kill Kaido right
  • Then Zoro slaying a weakened Kaido after Luffy faints in the final clash
  • Now to Zoro healing from the side effect of the drug, broken bones and reaching up to the roof to slay Kaido
This thread will be interesting once the arc is over.
Offtopic @Cinera When you get the chance please do a breakdown of Yamato's power level and where she stands :blush:
You're just stating the obvious, Zolo is not done

but the role you're expecting from him is wrong

obviously the climax of a big saga like this won't be about proving there's still a samurai like oden, that's dumb lol

Zolo past will be explored even further, in the other hand we need to know why Kaido want to die, and if he will get his wish or change his mind about wanting to die or just survive

Zolo role obviously is connected to Kaido fate in the story, but it definitely won't be about proving Zolo is like Oden lol
For smooth brains who think Zoro's role is already done.

In Dressrosa, what happens when Zoro beat final opponent, Pica? Audience's jaw drops.
In Punk Hazard, what happens when Zoro beat final opponent, Monet? Tashigi wanks him to the moon

In Onigashima, when Zoro defeated King, no one witnessed his greatness.
Even when he cut Kaido with Asura, the scene is so underwhelmed.

Do you know why? Because Oda want to spare such moment to something bigger and much more epic...

And what/who is a bigger threat than King? :cheers:
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Brilliant as always. This is what always gets me about people who claim ZKK is done, its not about a dragon panel, its about payoff: there is so much that Oda has reinforced (that Cinera has highlighted) with Zoro that would make it all pointless if this was it. When has Zoro ever shown this much interest in an arc antagonist? When has Oda set this much up just to ignore it? Years of 'does Zoro have CoC?' He intimidates people with his 'aura', now it's confirmed. Sometimes it's obvious. That panel of Zoro with Yasui saying 'no one has been able to take Kaidos head' is all I need. Sometimes it's obvious. What would be the point of baiting your fans like that, has it ever happened before with Oda? Genuinely can't remember
Theres no shot Zoros fighting WG as the Ryuma parallel

>The WG is likely the thing that got Ryuma to SH status since he didnt have it in Monsters
>The WG Ryuma faught off likely included the admiral admiral equivalent of back then
>>1 because they r the only ppl capable of maiming Ryuma (we know he lost an eye fighting)
>>2 the WG wouldnt be so spooked of a Ryuma tier Samurai if he hadnt already fended them off before

Zoro will get a similar moment to this in FW wen he fights off at least 1 Admiral and then Imu's #2 fighter. Zoro fighting off VA scrubs here would be awful
ZKK isn't necessary to get a Ryuma parallel. It doesn't need to happen for the fanservice of Zoro cutting a dragon. It's actually important for Zoro's character that he's vindicated in this way to the people of Wanokuni.

This is what I mean when I tell the detractors: "you don't even understand ZKK". Their complaints don't actually engage with the theory. They just refute and debunk a caricature of the theory, not the actual theory.
Where does Zoro express his need to be vindicated by Wano's people. Is he the fucking shogun ? When has he ever given a fuck about people's opinion ?

Warchief Sanji D Goat

Amagami Sister!⛩️
Man, if ZKK doesn't happens, all the brilliant ZKK threads from @Cinera would go to waste. And I don't really want that, so I voted yes because I don't think Zoro is done for the arc. He's probably gonna go kill Orochi or Kaido or both (depends on how much time he have left until the medicine wear out).