Character Discussion Oda's failure with Kaido

There is no mistake. He created the character and his writing is how we know him. Only if you think you are better than that, give me your scenario of what better he could do and I'll rate it whether it is good or bad. Just remember any alteration will alter the storyline. So give it. Lets see if you are a better writer than him.
Lmao calm down bro doubt even Oda would get so much offended.
Im not a mangaka and your comparison doesnt stand at all. He create a product and we are free to criticize it.
Its a fact that Kaido's character was a let down to the majority of the readers.
I think he did well from power scaling perspective. Maybe even surpassed my expectations. The two problems I have are Kaido's hybrid form which looks lack luster. It should be much bigger and more powerful.

Second , him not having awakening. Kaen Hakkei is worthy replacement for an awakening but it got defeated too quickly and we barely got any screen time with it.

Also his durability should be shown in better way. Scabbards should not be able to damage Kaido imo.

Kaido's character definitely could have been done far better.

The issue is Kaido was not written as an active villain. He doesn't do anything in wano for most part. It is orochi who is more active than him which takes away from Kaido.

Doffy in contrast was a very active villain. Going to punk hazard. Baiting luffy to come in Dressrossa. He was always on the move.

His backstory is also pretty generic and lack luster. Simply give orochi's motivation and back story to Kaido and it becomes much better.

Onis were prosecuted in wano and were driven into extinction and child Kaido had to run away. Then he comes back stronger for revenge or something.

Same for joyboy plot. Maybe once he thought he was joyboy but then something tragic happened and he failed to protect someone like yamato's mother. Hence he is a drunk and sad and no longer believes in joyboy prophecy. It also gives his " only the strongest survive " ideology more weight.

Also Kaido should be more ruthless and oda should have made Kaido kill the scabbards.

Overall as a villan he was decent but with the above points he could have been doffy tier villain if not higher.
In my personal opinion, Kaido is just one of the things that was sacrificed in Wano because of decisions of some high ups that started close to the end of WCI and increased a lot in arc 3.

When we first heard about Kaido he was constantly considered and called a thing, someone that would mask as a human but wasn't so. Instead of prejudice against Onis it looked more like fear. The title of king of beasts and his desire to be able to die made me think of someone unnatural or even cursed. Specially after learning that Zunesha was also someone that was unable to die and had to wander. I even remember someone theorizing that Kaido was one of the ancient weapons. Good times.

But when we actually meet Kaido he ended being just a let down. His fighting style is not the best for long fights and was a little boring after a while, his motivations seemed to jump all around the place, we know that he had a huge territory but the story made it seem like he only had wano, the alliance with BM would shock the world but then he made the BMP get stuck on the waterfall for the whole wano and so on. Overall it got to a point that people started to wait for a flashback to make sense of this craziness. And the flashback ended up being also a letdown.

In a way this is similar to Big Mom. Until the wedding cake she was one of the best designed antagonists of One Piece (she actually earned the nickname of kingpin), to a point that if she had died/disabled because of her hunger pains at the end of WCI and never went to wano the story would be better because of it. Kaido is the same, Oda gave hints that there was some depth on his motivations and actions but when it was revealed to be skin deep it made his shortcomings worse. The payoff wasn't worth the buildup.

I still believe that this was done because of some high ups in the editorial staff and his vacation after the raid ended was him trying to savage what he could to finish wano and start again.
- No backstory and development of motivations
- Boring fighting style, no awakening
- Adding stupid and unnecessary things like alcoholism that takes away the character's seriousness and makes it even more random
They will show his flashbacks when Xebec gets revealed since his motivations and depression is all tied with the Rocks Pirates. I think he knew everything from whatever happened in the God Valley incident.
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