Is Sanji in the battlefield where plague is? No.
Is Queen looking at Sanji's display of strength? No.
Is Sanji mentioned because of his strength or because he is Vinsmoke?

Is he going through bounties because of Sanji or because of Zoro?

Are Drake and Zoro the strongest among the battlefield? Yes.
Is a traitor an enemy who needs to be taken out? Yes, he is.
Is he holding Sanji's poster because of Judge? Yes.
Is he holding Sanji's poster because of his strength which he is seeing in front of himself? No.
It is impressive how much candies can be detached from common sense.
Oh, another candy boy who never met logic in his life...
Who you believe, translators or 10 ***** from wg? Neither, you believe the manga itself which is the source of it all.
Manga shows Queen targetting Drake and Zoro. Cry me a river.
Your boy Sandman cant help you. Manga facts dont change whether Sandman, chrono-chan or anyone other wants so.
Being son of Judge doesnt make anyone into 2nd or 3rd strongest nor are you targetted by plague by being son of Judge.