Oda revealed some new things about Uta

Age : 21

birthday : October 1st

Hight : 169cm
Aries : Libra
Blood type : XF

birth place : a secret

fav food : Pancakes with cream

interested in : singing

she loves : the cute things , sharing welcome videos

hates : pirates

going to : Criminal office

her motto : the one that winning is the happiest

she doesn't remember when she started to sing but she always does singing Unconsciously

she can't pick what's her fav song

the best time she loves to write a song is when she looking to the sea the words comes out

etc .. .


I think it's all non important information dw abt it
It doesn't matter, we'll take it anyway, thanks !

Gorosei Informer
This is depressing to read,^ it's like they're mocking us on purpose, trolling us.


Feels like they're saying this stuff on purpose, to hype up fans that they're aware of these major wishes for the story and certain characters that the fans have in general or something.

Just feels like they're trolling us though, unintentionally or not?

I was gonna post the screenshot but there are 9 of them so it would be a lot of spam....

The film is our here now finally but I'm so on the fence about seeing it. Its such a bait and switch...