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I had the feeling that no matter who the traitor was, there would be huge logic holes and inconsistencies. Lo and behold, there were.

How did Kanjuro know that Raizo had definitively made it to Zou when he himself ended up on Dressrosa with no way of locating Raizo? Also, why did he not spill the beans about the ankle tattoo in the first place?

This whole ‘hurr durr s/he was just acting!’ is getting old and cliche. Oh well, not like the flashback gave us any reason to be emotionally invested in the Scabbards. Just glad that the plot can finally move on and the Supernova trio are back in action again.
sheez i dunno why some people dont bother reading the story ? You do know he is inspired from kabuki character.

How did kanjuro know it ? Have you forgotten oden wanted scabbard to head towards zou if things get worse in wano. This is not only the reason doffy reported jack immediately where raizo was heading after he got kanjuro.

Why didnt he warn about ankle tattoo ? I would say he did , meanwhile denjiro had his own fall with recruited samurai so he let things run as status queue.

No , The problem lies with you . I know some of the group here who are carrying this illogical hate on almost every chapter. Complaining squad are just boring and i ll bet you will be unsatisified in every chapter , i ll admit oda isnt perfect but your complains are cliche and worse no one takes you guys serious.

But you guys are starting to annoy me a lot in general don't appreciate the author is working during pandemic situation .
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