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The case for 5 Acts is too strong.

The Jump Festa message was about Sabo, Vivi, Hancock, intermission content. Even if you think Wano ends this year, there is enough time to go over post-Reverie drama, all achievable in 2020 with Oda's breaks, why would Oda jump into that stuff right away? Wano is such a heavy arc that there is bound to be a breather like Elbaf.

Kaido + Big Mom's flashback with Rocks pausing the action for another month minimum goes where? That looks like Act 4 material. Don't forget all the external actors from Jinbe, the marines, Sword/CP0, Izo and the Whitebeard pirates have to get involved. Even if the alliance loses against Big Mom + Kaido, any of these groups interfering will buy enough time for the Samurai and the Worst Gen to get it together. And I'm not even going to touch all the post-climax content of Wano actually opening, two Yonko falling, more poneglyphs found, etc before moving to the Sabo stuff.

Wano ending in 2020 and Luffy beating Kaido in Round 2 does not look like it can be done in a satisfying manner. The only feasible possibility is that Sabo, Vivi, Hancock all somehow end up in Wano.
I never said that I think that Wano will end this year, just that it's now entered its final phase. Oda being Oda, that'll take a good chunk (I'd say 40ish chapters) to cover, assuming he keeps to his usual fight patterns of at least one chapter being devoted to a fight, two for the big ones, Luffy's being about ten after all the others have finished. Plus sticking in some of the stuff you mentioned as set up, although I very much doubt that everyone you think is showing up will appear.

As for his Jump Festa prediction, Oda's notoriously bad at actually sticking the stuff he says will happen in the next year, into the next year. The big recent one being when WCI lasted a full year longer than he said it would, but also coming to mind is that he thought Kaido would be appearing a good year before he did, plus the time he said Merry would die in Skypiea, like... four years before it happened?

As for a breather, very much doubt it'll happen. We're in the endgame now. The most hope there is for a breather is that Elbaf is relatively laid back and it's just the crew looking for the last RP.


to be honest Oda could let Kid have awaken DF and Law as well , they were already both pushed in the new world , maybe Kid more than Law.
so sure they are not on Luffy's level but they both could be already highest commander level . it is not like they are fodders. but still Luffy is already above that level. Luffy could be in the middle between highest commander level and a yonko.
during his fights he will be a yonko level for sure
Rivals in what way ?
The strawhats stomp both kidd or law and their crews without luffy

The same way shiki was rival to roger and Whitehead yet we didn't know his crew
Same way white beard was rival to roger yet he didn't have any veteran fighter apart from oden in his crew....

974 chapters in one piece and you still think it's like other mangas where the mc becomes a god that no one can touch...this ain't no naruto or bleach

Even when luffy becomes pk he's still gonna have people that he'll need high diff to beat
Lmao, You think Luffy would manage to defeat Doflamingo on his own? If not for Law GK weakening Doflamingo would kill Luffy.

And stop using Dressrosa(2nd worst arc after FI) as the strawhat's shinning moment it's fucking embarassing.
That’s beside the point. Point is Luffy beat Doffy and got the shine whereas Law got trashed for an entire arc.

Do you seriously think law is more important than the main crew in One Piece ??? That’s like saying Neji was a more important character than Sakura in Naruto.
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