I hope we're right, because if Oda lets Vegapunk get away with creating child clone soldiers without consequence, I'll be pissed.
I trust Oda more than most, so I'll choose to believe he won't justify clone children being used as soldiers. I hope there is a payoff here.
This is why I don't hate guns, or bombs. Tom was right: people made those things. People have no right to call their own inanimate creations evil, when they made them. Nuclear power can be used to eradicate, or give fuel, the same with fire.
S-Snake, when she talked to Jinbei and he thanked her, seemed like a normal, shy, bratty girl responding to him. The Seraphim are just kids, and I hope Franky, Nami, and Chopper, who know how badly science can be abused, lecture Vegapunk on doing this shit.
Dragon is way above Vegapunk for me right now. Vegapunk chose WG reseadrch money over an army trying to free people. Vegapunk is the enemy of this arc, and not because he's evil. He just cared more about promoting science, than what his technology would lead to. And this ties into the Ancient Weapons: Vegapunk explains why the Ancient Kingdom was dangerous. They cared so much about freedom, they ignored what their own actions could lead to.