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Luffy is too fast when he is serious. Gear 2 is extremely fast as stated by Doflamingo. kataluri has to use future sight = awakening to keep u with Gear 2 Luffy.
Speed : Snakeman>boundman>g2
Kata didn't need awakening to keep up with snakemaj in speed
G2 attack speed is fast for people who have average reaction speed and coo
In time is the relevant word. We already knew Marco needs a few top tier hits, which BM also admitted she could not provide with her abilities.
Let´s also not forget Pero could literally kill him (which is nonsense but hey, it´s been said).
Pero's arrow would probably suffocate him by traping his entire body into candy,that was probably Oda's plan.
Yeah ... he wasn't being chojed/grabbed
Look at the lines there next to his dace he's not comfortable

As long as someone can grab you easily by the are at their mercy
You are not a threat or challenge but rather fodder/nuisance

Teach was way below Sickbeard... before being put down and grabbed by neck ,
he even blocked wb and landed a bloe...sounds familiar? Yeah you wouldn't say Yami teach is low top tier or admiral level.
He beat Ace and Magellan.

If Yami teach wirh his feats isn't top tier
Marco has no chance ...he's a glorified Jinbei
Being a nuisance to a full power Yonkou is more than Katakuri could ever hope to be.

When Big mom went on her rampage Katakuri claimed that there's no way to stop her and that Whole cale island is done despite him, smoothie and Daifuku being present.

Then we come to Wano and Marco stalls Big mom just fine to a point where she has to literally run away

Marco >~ Katakuri


Kaido D. Stronger

but yea why didnt kaido dodge. is he testing luffy?
it is the same as his first combat, kaido base, he looked at Luffy's attacks and let them hit.
this is kaido's way of measuring his opponent's strength, he is probably seeing how much Luffy has changed and got stronger.
big mom said: why did you (let) he beat you. As long as the word left is in the sentence, it was on purpose
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