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And I would like to say as well king and queen have been absolutely terrible I mean these guys are supposed to be katakuri level and even mf cracker has been more impressive than these two and that’s saying something. The inconsistencies in the writing is actually noticeable now and it’s becoming harder to deny it.
So even if sanji was to beat king or queen what kind of hype am I supposed to feel for it when both of these guys have been subpar/terrible at best? If you ain’t a yonkou at this point or the main character luffy youre absolutely garbage it seems. I mean even the flying six have Atleast done something these calamities cept for jack have been straight disappointing dawg fr
The only thing I hate about this chapter is that the red scabbards are still alive. I know I'm reading one piece, but the lack of drama will remain the only serious criticism I'd make of it.
Otherwise I'm not disappointed with the content of the chapter because I didn't expect anything special from it, chapter 1000 is mostly an event for the author in relation to the work done, not in relation to the content of the story itself. I'm finally happy to see after all these years of construction since sabaody the trio of the worst generation fighting together, and we also have the first meeting of zoro with two yonkos, it implies that we'll see zoro use his full capacities and honestly it excites me a lot. I think the general quality of the chapter will depend on the art, especially when there will be this face to face between the worst generation and the yonkos.
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