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Never Feed The Badders Pasta
I love Sanji, what i hate is how his fanbase doesn't seem to enjoy what his actually good at, they really want Sanji for some reason to be as strong or stronger than Zoro, wich is his defining characteristics. While the real things that make Sanji such a cool character are forgotten by his fans.
Big factss....I have seen a lot of the Sanji fans do this ngl

Sanji didn't make him "run away" and it's only funnier because Sanji himself implied that he would have been in trouble if Vergo didn't leave

The condition for success regarding Apoo was specifically defined as getting the antidote. Slapping his ass down with an unrequited attack was almost the cherry on top but then he physically threatened a calamity, which is a legit flex. It doesn't compare to banging shins with casual Vergo
Yes because he was injured prior, and those injuries wouldve been more prior. No different to Zoro running away from Gifters because any injuries he gets from them could affect his performance with Kaido. But it seems yall read with the brightness off.

The condition of sucess was to stop Vergo from attacking Tashigi. Guess what Sanji did that....and Vergo ran away.
Don't the Z fans do the same though?
And I think they the one who started it in WCI arc :catsure:
Actually Sanji fans were complaining more than Zoro fans during WCI.

I was actually supporting Sanji baking the cake.
While die hard Sanji fans were on that Sanji vs Katakuri boat and then started bitching when he didn't have a single W in WCI.

Ignoring the fact that Sanji is a cook first and fighter second.
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