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𝐀𝐬𝐩𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐧𝐧𝐲 𝐏𝐞𝐭
Zoro's accomplishments this chapter:
  • He intercepted and successfully neutralised two of Kaido's named attacks (Boro Breath and Great Wind).
    • The interception of Boro Breath saved Luffy.
      • Luffy was able to withstand a subsequent Boro Breath, so unless he was off guard, Zoro's intervention may have been unnecessary.
    • Great Wind may have been the same attack that took Kiku's arm (it consisted of several invisible Wind Blades). Successfully neutralising such an attack not only displayed impressive attack speed, but also protected his allies from getting maimed or otherwise grievously wounded.
  • He cut Kaido with Hiryuu Kaen.
    • Said attack triggered Kaido's Oden PTSD, and so was likely impactful.

With the latest information @T.D.A provided, I'm very satisfied with Zoro's performance in this chapter. He was able to effectively defend his captain and allies on two separate occasions, and was able to mount a successful(?) offensive against Kaido. Given that Zoro was able to successfully trigger Oden PTSD this chapter, the chances of Kaido recognising Zoro as a monster samurai on par with Oden in the upcoming chapters are greatly rising.


I think this is ultimately more than I expected from Zoro at this stage. From the summary so far, it seems that after Luffy (assuming his attacks did the supermajority of damage once more), Zoro is the second biggest performer here.

Zoro is playing a very strong defensive game but has also been effective on the offense.

@Haoshoku, @ZenZu I need you for the Basket Ball analogies.


Zoro's accomplishments this chapter:
  • He intercepted and successfully neutralised two of Kaido's named attacks (Boro Breath and Great Wind).
    • The interception of Boro Breath saved Luffy.
      • Luffy was able to withstand a subsequent Boro Breath, so unless he was off guard, Zoro's intervention may have been unnecessary.
    • Great Wind may have been the same attack that took Kiku's arm (it consisted of several invisible Wind Blades). Successfully neutralising such an attack not only displayed impressive attack speed, but also protected his allies from getting maimed or otherwise grievously wounded.
  • He cut Kaido with Hiryuu Kaen.
    • Said attack triggered Kaido's Oden PTSD, and so was likely impactful.

After more information has come, I'm very satisfied with Zoro's performance in this chapter. He was able to effectively defend his captain and allies on two separate occasions, and was able to mount a successful(?) offensive against Kaido. Given that Zoro was able to successfully trigger Oden PTSD this chapter, the chances of Kaido recognising Zoro as a monster samurai on par with Oden in the upcoming chapters are greatly rising.


I think this is ultimately more than I expected from Zoro at this stage. From the summary so far, it seems that after Luffy (assuming his attacks did the supermajority of damage once more), Zoro is the second biggest performer here.

Zoro is playing a very strong defensive but is also effective on the offense.

@Haoshoku, @ZenZu I need you for the Basket Ball analogies.
God damn, is this a fucking paper? put a few references here and you might as well publish it. Top quality stuff.
At this point Luffys rival is Zoro, coincidentally on the same crew as him
wrong use of rival here
(zoro luffy )they arent in competition for anything
in accomplishments , in fame or in goals . zoro certainly wont be as strong as luffy.

the case with law who is older than luffy btw
he will never grow to be be on par as luffy as wb was with roger simply because his growth rate would have to be greater than luffy without the feats being there.

its an unrealistic expectation.
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