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Also real question, how stupid Kaido would look if he has to go back to base form or turn hybrid next chapter?
I mean he used his dragon form in Kuri, didn't do shit, turned dragon against the scabbards and got low diffed, went dragon form again against the SN when he was doing fine in his base form and he's getting negged again.
Is he a moron :choppawhat:
No it's just Oda repeating himself once again. He often recycle the same scenarios again and again.
Now that Kaido has actually sensed Oden in Enma I dont want to hear people say that Zoro didnt inherit Odens will.

-Kaido Sees Oden in Zoros sword, And like i said in the past in the one piece universe people inherit wills through objects.
- Further more a sword like Enma must have accepted Zoro as a worthy wielder the same way Shusui and
sandai ketitso did
-Edit: Zoro also inherited Kuina's will through her wado ichi aswell which further proves my point

based on the past information on how swords treat their owners and on how objects carry the will of their previous owners and based on the current spoilers that Kaido sensed oden in Enma While Zoro attacks Kaido only means that Zoro has inherited the will of Oden to cut down Kaido. :finally:


Also real question, how stupid Kaido would look if he has to go back to base form or turn hybrid next chapter?
I mean he used his dragon form in Kuri, didn't do shit, turned dragon against the scabbards and got low diffed, went dragon form again against the SN when he was doing fine in his base form and he's getting negged again.
Is he a moron :choppawhat:
I think he is tankier in Dragon Form, but less powerful, so he uses to test his enemies to see if they are at least worth it. Then he goes into human form if they are worthy, in Human Form he is an absolute speedster with high damage output as well with Thunder Bagua, but his hybrid must be the absolute damage + speed + tanky nature he has, i'm hyped for it.


Zoro's accomplishments this chapter:
  • He intercepted and successfully neutralised two of Kaido's named attacks (Boro Breath and Great Wind).
    • The interception of Boro Breath saved Luffy.
      • Luffy was able to withstand a subsequent Boro Breath, so unless he was off guard, Zoro's intervention may have been unnecessary.
    • Great Wind may have been the same attack that took Kiku's arm (it consisted of several invisible Wind Blades). Successfully neutralising such an attack not only displayed impressive attack speed, but also protected his allies from getting maimed or otherwise grievously wounded.
  • He cut Kaido with Hiryuu Kaen.
    • Said attack triggered Kaido's Oden PTSD, and so was likely impactful.

With the latest information @T.D.A provided, I'm very satisfied with Zoro's performance in this chapter. He was able to effectively defend his captain and allies on two separate occasions, and was able to mount a successful(?) offensive against Kaido. Given that Zoro was able to successfully trigger Oden PTSD this chapter, the chances of Kaido recognising Zoro as a monster samurai on par with Oden in the upcoming chapters are greatly rising.


I think this is ultimately more than I expected from Zoro at this stage. From the summary so far, it seems that after Luffy (assuming his attacks did the supermajority of damage once more), Zoro is the second biggest performer here.

Zoro is playing a very strong defensive game but has also been effective on the offense.

@Haoshoku, @ZenZu I need you for the Basket Ball analogies.
He hasn't been effective offensive wise
He has been Luffy's shield

Which sucks

Oda even has luffy tanking hits

Zoro should not be kinnemon 2.0
Anyway good W for Zoro fans this week but remember the higher the climb the greater the fall, Zoro will get Ls eventually.
Of course Zoro and the other supernovas will be beaten half dead by the Yonko but I wouldn’t consider it as an L ... it should be considered as normal and makes it a real fight. Let’s see blood, sweat and rising warriors, this is a true fight :kaimoji:
One Piece fights were always like this. One dimensional Brawlers who have similar stats to each other with a few exceptions
But isn’t it weird that last chapter is the the same as this chapter. Like what is going on in The minds of the supernovas and yonko. Last chapter Kaido sees Big mom’s fire doesn’t do shit, this chapter he tries a boro breath and it doesn’t do shit... Last chapter Kid tries blunt force physical attacks and Kaido laughs, this chapter Kid tries blunt force physical attacks and does nothing

It feels like Oda is stalling. I mean it’s good that he’s stalking with action instead of gags and shit but it’s still stalling

I’ll wait for next chapter for something interesting to happen


Of course Zoro and the other supernovas will be beaten half dead by the Yonko but I wouldn’t consider it as an L ... it should be considered as normal and makes it a real fight. Let’s see blood, sweat and rising warriors, this is a true fight :kaimoji:
That's what i've been waiting from Zoro since the TS, no one pushes him to the brink anymore, i hope he takes a few "L's" and gets beaten, before the last few moments...
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