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Raped basically mean low diff lol
Kidd is well above Apoo, I can't give him more than a mid diff. Punk Gibson is Kidd basic attack and made Apoo spit a lot of blood, he lost time cause wanted to throw on his face the shit he had done instead of keeping beating him.
Apoo on the other hand was smart enough to take advantage of this and land an attack, but there's a visible and clear power difference between Kidd and Apoo.
We can argue on Killer vs Apoo, but even here Apoo loses. Killer knows his weak point.


Talent is something you make bloom.
I agree with you to an extent, but for me, Kaido being our focus for so long is even more justification that we should have more to talk about him than just power levels.

If Kaido had been more than just the Phantom Menace for the past 5 arcs despite being hyped as our ultimate baddie, then there could’ve been much deeper conflicts at play here than just “muh power levels”. But that’s going to get me started on a rant about how tiny and disconnected the OP world is, which is its own separate criticism.

This dialogue is a testament to how bad Wano has been so far. It has literally just been a story about power level and nothing more. Oda snorted the Dragonball coke far too hard before he wrote this arc.
I see Kaido like "a huge menace that always existed, and, at some point, Luffy would have to deal with him".
Nothing really "major plot related". More like a "preparation quest" to the main thing, which is reaching Laugh Tale.
Take for instance Skypie. It was basically a detour. But, to some extent, it helps enlarge your view of the world, that there are lots of people in it doing their things, and Luffy its not going to interact with them the same way.
Some will have more personal touch, others will be more "random".
But I agree with the "story about power level". The preparation arcs were waaaaaaaay better than Wano. Honestly could have just skipped right into the raid, and ignoring all that BS that happened before. Looked like filler episodes inside the manga.
I really hate when people want to deny a clear hype ... cause of damage control ...
saw that 2 weeks ago with Shanks and I don't like to see it now with anyone

I'm Happy for Zoro cause he is buying A LOT of respect for himself and Swordsman :zosmug:
I'm Happy for Big Mom cause she in fact shined better than Kaido in this chapter :fullmom:

their fandom is eating good this week :happinesspunch:

but I really want to see how much damage Zoro and Killer got tbh ...
can they fight for next chapter?
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I really hate when people want to deny a clear hype ... cause of damage control ...
saw that 2 weeks ago with Shanks and I don't like to see it now with anyone

I'm Happy for Zoro cause he is buying A LOT of respect for himself and Swordsman :zosmug:
I'm Happy for Big Mom cause she in fact shined better than Kaido in this chapter :fullmom:

their fandom is eating good this week :happinesspunch:

but I really want to see how much damage Zoro and Killer got tbh ...
can they fight for next chapter?
Well Zoro Pre Ts was able to tank Enel attack(but only 1)by shonen logic his endurance should be much greater, Killer was shown to be close to Zoro so he should be fine too.We will see in next week:cheers:


Throughout Heaven & Earth,I alone am d Honored One
Zoro missed or kaido dodged...how it matters?

Kaido is a yonkou for godsake.

And, BM clearly indicated that you shouldn't underestimated zoro and not enma a sword but some having zoro PTSD to such extent that all they look in chapters is anything that they manipulate to dehype zoro.

And, funny thing is they fail every single time lmao

Overall, this chapter is gold.

Two back back to actions packed chapters was something no one was expecting but we got it.

But I agree with those that this isn't looking good for SNs. They are getting hyped but it's like a setup for yonkou acknowledging their strength and then giving them a temporary defeat.

Also, I think out of these 5 SN someone will get seriously injured because I don't think yonkou will simply leave just by defeating them
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