As much as I wanted to see what Hybrid Kaido looked like, and how he demolished the rest of the gang, I’m not complaining about what we got. To reiterate what I said in the spoiler thread, it’s further confirmed that we’re going to see Nami vs Ulti, which I’m excited as hell for. Nami mentioning the lightning deficiency she has makes it reasonable to suggest that she *will* be getting Zeus back at some point to get around it. I also think that she’ll probably awaken CoA in this fight, because that’s all that Ulti has shown. And maybe, if she gets CoA and can use it on her lightning, she might not need Zeus (but that’s probably asking a lot for someone who would have just discovered how to use CoA). Really excited to see Nami kick some ass, though!
Also, excited for Robin vs Black Maria, as we’re definitely getting it now. And the Franky bit was pretty cool, I think. Just wish we could have gotten some update on Jinbe and Marco.
Tama was excellent this chapter! Super cute. We can totally always use Tama content. One of my favorite things Oda has done in Wano has been Tama’s creation and involvement. Her relationship with Luffy and Nami is wonderful, and I can’t wait to see more of the three of them together, as well as Tama in general. Luffy’s clearly rubbed off on her, based on her dialogue this chapter in the flashback.
Also, excited for Robin vs Black Maria, as we’re definitely getting it now. And the Franky bit was pretty cool, I think. Just wish we could have gotten some update on Jinbe and Marco.
Tama was excellent this chapter! Super cute. We can totally always use Tama content. One of my favorite things Oda has done in Wano has been Tama’s creation and involvement. Her relationship with Luffy and Nami is wonderful, and I can’t wait to see more of the three of them together, as well as Tama in general. Luffy’s clearly rubbed off on her, based on her dialogue this chapter in the flashback.