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Sasaki will lose to Franky and Black Maria will lose to Robin. Nami is looking for a way to defeat Ulti and she most likely will defeat her.
I'm pretty sure base Sanji can deal with them easily if he gets serious a'd was allowed to hit them.
Man, people have been massively underrating Sanji since forever. I've been saying for a while Sanji > Pero > Oven/Daifuku.
Oda has destroyed Sanji since post-TS.

- Use RS to peek women in bath while being a liar who swear won't use RS
- Infinity dumb nosebleed gags
- Unnecessarily used diablo Jambe against unguarded Luffy
- Left crewmates (Nami/Carrot) in the middle of the war just to find prostitutes
- Main role in WCI is just to bake cake and it's not even effective
- got humiliated by Vergo and Dofla

At this point, I expect nothing. In my opinion, Sanji pre-TS is better in all aspects.
-If Raid Suit Sanji wasn't there, wouldn't Nami, Shinobu and Robin be captured?
-How many chapters ago was the last nose bleed gag?
-If Sanji didn't leave nami/carrot how is momonuske getting saved?
-If the cake wasn't made there's nothing stopping Big Mom from catching up to the strawhats. The Cake drew Big Moms attention away from he crew and that was the last tie the strawhats saw big mom in wci ch.892.
-Sanji held his own pretty well against Vergo considering he was Doflamingos top guy and he managed to save Tashigi and G5 (who became allies later) in the process.
-He saved the strawhtas from immediate danger by going up against Doffy. If you take sanji out of there, the strawhats would've died immediately.
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Sasaki will lose to Franky and Black Maria will lose to Robin. Nami is looking for a way to defeat Ulti and she most likely will defeat her.
I'm pretty sure base Sanji can deal with them easily if he gets serious a'd was allowed to hit them.
Then how strong is Raid Suit Sanji then? if he can easily defeat a tobi roppo.......
You better hope for a great fight between Sanji and Queen
I'm primarily a Zoro fan and I really want to see Sanji get a good fight.

Fuck man, I want to see every strawhat get a good fight this arc. They all need to stop being cucked out of them. We are getting close to the EoS with only a few villains left. This is one of the few that actually matter for everyone.
Is he really around the Tobi Roppo with a Raid Suit, when Franky is holding the 2nd strongest one back and damaging him?

With Sanji's CoO Franky probably can't even land a hit on him.
without a raid suit yea I think Sanjis near that group of people. With the Raid Suit Sanji should be like Jack or something logically. Frankys holding his own but Sasaki is probably still significantly stronger than Franky.
Given how much Kaido and the Calamities are tanks and how they tend to recover from beatings, and how it's been noted how durable and endurant Ancient Zoans are, I think that just like with Kaido and the Calamities the difficulty with the F5 will not to put them down it will be to make them stay down.
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