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I just dont answer clowns you know? You made sure your opinion has no worth at all. With insulting like you did before, you lose the right to get taken serious by me. Thats it. Like i said before, i can just laugh about you. :hapnoel:
Is that why you had a dialogue with me for 30 minutes? Idiot. A real idiot. Not to answer my serious question .... for 30 minutes he played out as someone who he is not. You have no answer as to how Kid can defeat Law. And that's a fact.
What is this chapter omg
Oda must really hate Sanji.
It's really weird at this point. I still enjoy Sanji because being a clown makes his serious moments stand out, but this is too much. Wr didn't need all the beating and crying, and if he seriously down talks his Haki in this chapter...
Batman and Superman were always kinda.. non interesting for me. I always prefered characters with flaws, weaknesses and some crazyness.
I'm mostly a bronze age type with them... they were great in the 70s to mid 90s when people really had it down how to write a story without that certain tension or dramatic focus on a character. Like Batman and Superman will never struggle with paying bills or getting a girlfriend pregnant, so don't even try y'know?
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