more reason why I think chopper is an underwhelming opponent
just because he is an f6 member doesnt mean he's comparable to sasaki
basically every supernova under kaido should not be scaled by rank. why isnt he a calamity you might say?
lack of interest and opportunity to challenge
I think someone like drake is a future admiral
but no means does he look bad here
someone ahead of coby in sword taken down by chopper?
No imo .
perospero is free now after he defeated carrot supposedly
lets see how chopper feels about that.
But I feel like we are conflating his abilities a little? We have a canon basis to believe Chopper warrants a F6 fight just like everyone else. I 100% do not put Drake above every other F6 member, he's always struck me as the middle ground kind of person in this crew.
Not to mention, Chopper, among virtually every other strawhat, needs to get strong enough to fight the Blackbeard Pirates, and many of those captains are level 6 wanted criminals.
And the arc is about fighting the beast pirates, as evidenced by CP-0 talking about the executives specifically, this color spread, and the entire true theme of the arc being to take out Kaido over Big Mom. This is why I don't think any of them are fighting the Big Mom pirates. I'd say that will be left to the allies that could arrive later (i.e. Sword or Whitebeard Pirates), and Perospero is no exception. Chopper fundamentally has no ties for revenge specifically on Perospero, that was Carrots goal and she failed.
Chopper is part of the future pirate kings crew and a main character, that entirely takes precedent over any secondary or tertiary character in this series. I'm just pointing out, that virtually every Strawhat outside of Luffy/Zoro/Sanji are tied to a Flying Six member by some capacity, including Chopper. I feel like this is directly intentional by Oda and a direct impact of tying Drake AND Chopper to a virus plotline that forces you to fight and infect your comrades.