Good chapter overall.
Just disappointed with Kaido's hybrid. King or Jack's hybrids are probably gonna be the best design.
Big Mom looks scarier than Kaido lol.
So basically Luffy is attacking Kaido but is thrown away lol. But he looks fine as Momo said.
But Oda should be careful with cringes quotes and panels, hope it won't end like Katakuri but at the same time Kaido is always hyping his opponents ...
The WG's plan to isolate a yonkou! good, so either they will found a way to block Big Mom or they just split their team.
If they split Zoro and Luffy vs Kaido has more chances to happen because Oda cares more about them than the others.
But if Oda wants two yonkou to be defeated then Zoro and Luffy won't be together because L/Z looks way more stronger than L/K/K together. Side characters defeating a yonkou is not gonna happen. That's why L and Z will lead each one a team. Big Mom vs Zoro and Kaido vs Luffy looks good in that perspective.
The thing, Big Mom is protected af by Oda, she is hurting everyone but no one cares about her ... don't tell me because she is woman, that would be bad af, come on Oda ...
Anyway next chapter is gonna be roof top for sure!!