I hardly use Discord, but I don't mind tagging you or TCBscans on Twitter in the future.
It's true that I can nitpick but I get annoyed even by minor things because a lot of fans including very notable streamers will read the fan scan and so the discussions which happen between Friday and Sunday are based on that version of the TCB release and people can get the wrong impression based on either mistakes or things which are worded oddly.
I think it's good that you own up to mistakes and correct them post-Sunday but I'm not how many realise you do this outside of the Discord followers, if it was done on Twitter there would be a larger reach.
Also 'speed scans' is commonly used term amongst the manga fandom or was back in the day. Reason why they're called that is due to the quick turnaround of preparing it. You get the RAW around Thursday and are able to release it the next day which is a far quicker timeline than with official releases, where the whole process is a couple of days to a week. So even Jaiminibox or Mangastream would be considered speed scans imo.
Also I'm still learning Japanese, so as practice I like to look at the RAW version, translate, compare translations etc, hence why I focus on the particulars which most people wouldn't care about.
1. Great then we got that sorted out. Tag us on twitter please as soon as you have something from now on that we should check over. And if we both agree that manners and respect should be something natural in a conversation, please adress your criticism/questions in such a way. Respectful and professional.
2. the term "speed scans" implies that something like "speed scans" and a different version of "scans" exist. As in, some specific boxes of traits has to be ticked for a scan to have the word "speed" added to it.
(I.e. If something is called
speed scan, what is considered a "normal" scan)
Then the question remains, what in comparison is a "normal" scan? something that doesn't contain the word "speed".
keep in mind we are talking about fanscans and not official scans, since no one calls the official scans "official scans".
They are just commonly referred to as "official" or "viz", whereas "scans" is a word associated with what we do.
if i learned one thing, then that "speed scans" are commonly and widely regarded as speed scans because they get translate via google translator as quickly as possible without any care for proofreading, cleaning or just general quality. The only thing they care about, is to be pushed out
as soon as possible as long as they are (barely) "readable". Which happens for things like JJK, Kaguya Sama, Attack on titan on a weekly basis. ...and last year it happened to one piece, where chapters got translated within 2 hours from french.
That is speed.
In comparison, our Chapters go through a lot more steps than just cleaning bubbles and using google translate to insert the right words. Some of us work weekly 18 hours without sleep everytime a chapter drops. regularly. That is
effort put in.
But at the end of the day, i guess our opinions just differ here. For you every unofficial Manga Chapter that has a weekly official release is a speed scan. While I have different criteria.
My issue is mainnly the connotation that goes along with it, because it's associated with a lack of care which is definetly not the case for us.
3. We like to keep our posts on twitter clean and concise. if you want to go in-depth about corrections and their reasoning the 280 character limit of twitter is not a good way of handling it.
A dedicated Discord channel in where we post those notes and corrections for everyone that does care, exists. It's publicly available.
And in addition to that, we
highly advertise our discord on twitter. It's pinned in our profile since we opened our twitter account. it's added in every of our Chapter-progression tweets, it's on our website, on patreon... we made posts how in emergencies people should join our discord.
We don't hide it we want people to join.
And i'm sorry but you have like 7 different Discord accounts, so cmon man.