Greatest Hype In this Chapter?

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If Kaido dodged, then Zoro would have said "He dodged", not "I missed". Really not a hard concept to grasp....

I mean, if you choose to believe that Zoro is so slow that he can't land an attack on a giant mile long Dragon, then by all means, have at it.... :kayneshrug:
No zoro isn’t the type to blame anything but on himself as you can see from his match with killer . Instead of saying it was due to interference he said his own lack of skill. Like I just told you if I attack someone and they dodged I still missed . Stop hating fictional characters guy


Zoro Worshipper
How much stronger? Why is Kaido still hyping Oden 20 years later? Even at that stage Kaido was known as 'invincible Kaido'. The narrator said Oden knew no 'enemy of his calibre'. He was grouped with Roger and WB in a similar panel to Ace, Sabo and Luffy. His hype is off the charts.

Yes Zoro scarring Kaido was his limit. Oden could have kept fighting if not for the distraction. Note how Oda had to give him a distraction for Kaido to take him down. None was needed for Kaido to Thunder Bagua Zoro and put him on the ground.
Oden was never hyped on Roger or Primebeard level, that's headcanon anyway.

And of course Kaido considered the actual Scabbards not on his level, since they legitimately don't look anything special.

Nothing to do with Zoro's grandeur. I made several cases on why Zoro is most likely stronger than Oden right now albeit we acknowledged too little of Oden stats wise.

Regardless mostly due his AP output, burden of proof on Oden to show such a consistent defensive output, and also ACoC constituted by Asura.
Oda treated King and Queen in the same way and we have seen what kind of interactions they had, they are obviously very close to each other.
This doesn't change the fact that if Sanji vs King didn't happen, it'd be the end of my OP journey.
Not because Queen is weak, but because Oda has the perfect opponent for Sanji in King, built a plot to link them and decided to make them clash with each other and he would waste everything giving to Sanji a different opponent for no reason except to troll us.

I don't want just a fight at this point, i want The fight.
He hasn't had a fight in ages, he swallowed his pride using the RS and deserves the best. The perfect opponent that flies better than him, uses fire better and is faster, basically Sanji's Katakuri. The funny and ugly balloon unable to fly with the worst looking DF in the beast pirates can fight Drake and Chopper.
Yes, this is stupid to think that missed means dodging for sure. Just because Zoro is a master swordsman doesn't mean he cannot miss.
whats more likely?
a swordsman eith like 20 years of training missing a target as big as kaido


kaido dodgin an attack that would have probably wounded him bigtime?

i realize for a hater its the first one but for people with common sense its the 2nd one clearly.

do u really think oda would let zoro miss a standing target like did u not see his portrayal hes a FCKING GOAT :cheers:


Zoro Worshipper
By feat, Zoro > Luffy

- Advanced CoC
- Overpowered Kaidou's Tatsumaki
- Made Kaidou dodged for the first time ever in his life
- Saved Luffy numerous times
- Stop a combined attack from TWO YONKOS in their strongest form.

Yes he even lectured attacks better than Luffy thanks to his reflexes + CoO sum it would appear to be the case, and in general displayed a massively superior AP, and also shining combat speed anyway (in before Zoro 1s Sl0w1!1!)
Q: Is Zoro's technique Ashura Ikiri Gin? Leaker: Ashura sword (Bakkei) Inferius play (Already playing) .... Q: Q: Did Zoro's technique damage Kaido to a reasonable size? Didn't you guess it in the first place? Leaker: I'm hit Zoro is bleeding, "I wanted you to fall at least."
i dont see how that has any relation to my post. i was explaining someone else that Kaido's CoC use can very well be said Adv.
did u misquote me?
You said base CoC was only fodder control, and took that to speculate Zoro was using adv CoC.
I said:
1) base CoC has been used in clashes multiple times before so this cannot be used as circumstantial evidence
2) adv CoC is drawn a specific way, if Zoro's attack is not drawn that way it is not adv CoC.
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