Again. Strong people sense people's strength. Blackbeard sensed Luffy's Haki pre TS. Kaido feeling CoC means it was CoC. Period.

But when Kaido feels Oden's presence in Enma and confirms it. We also see visuals that enma have weird aura around it
You and other fanboys :
There's no Oden's haki/presnce in the balde
Kaido mistook Zoro's haki for Oden's! A blade can't store a presence or haki
But when Kaido just wonders if Zoro has CoC without Oda showing visuals of zoro using CoC and no confirmations from Zoro and Kaiod
Fanboys : Zoro is confirmed to have CoC coz Kaido wondered...felt it might be CoC
So it is CoC and Ashura was imbued with CoC thuse Zoro has AdCoC too.

you can't deny Oden's presence/haki being in enma which had visuals and confirmations from Kaido
Then accept Zoro having adCoC or using CoC without any visuals and confirmations based on a mere question from Kaido
Basing an info or someone to be a haki user on a mere "wonder" or "question" isn't the way.