Smoothie got them thighs though
That is factual! Smoothie is gorgeous and hot! Yonko commander level thighs! Looking like her mother during her prime too!
Did someone say borderlands?
EXPLOSIONS!? (Nobody tell Pedro though!)
You quoted Mr Togue, that is awesome! Since we mentioned Borderlands, I should really tag in
@DynaMight .
We're so far down the line and Oda keeps trying to play the mystery/silhouette game and it's dropping sales because eventually people get tired of waiting and boring plots
The want action, new plots and unraveled mysteries
Exactly! I remember when he kept teasing Kawamatsus appearance, the constant focus on his eyes for so long and then we got that reveal
And the silhouettes of all the other characters he did for so long too including this unexplained Toki/Hiyori/Enel (lol I still cant believe people ran with that genuinely seriously) one with the Scabbards too.
We're being purposely manipulated, carrots on sticks for us to chase, the blue balling etc. Don't give us what we want, keep us anticipated and hopeful that they will deliver if we keep persisting, keep "being loyal".
It really reminds me of how a lot of game developers/publishes manipulate people these days especially in AAA games like CoD, Fortnite, EA sports games, Gacha games and any online multiplayer and free to play games even. People are embracing this massively which is the worst part.
Too many people defend Oda and think he's still a complete genius who can do no wrong and only creates masterpieces, I see constantly everywhere else and it's absolutely exhausting and infuriating.
If sales are declining indeed, then they deserve to be ofc and I hope it keeps happening and forces Oda to wake up and improve his game massively as he should.
Reverie was the most exciting part of post TS and it was only a few chapters! 6 chapters I think? And thats WAY better than over a 100 chapters of Wano alone! Also how the Roger and WB parts of Oden flashback along with Roof Piece were far more entertaining than the rest of Wano BY FAR!
Oda has gotten way too complacent and cocky, he's reigned at the top and gained way too much success for One Piece's own good. All that success has gone to his head. And the worst part is the majority of the entire fanbase who keep defending and enabling it. It really is a cult.