Should MonsterZoro be banned?

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Take your Respective W's:cheers:

Even if it was for a brief moment take your W:cheers:

Damn didn't even remember I predicted this shit
Man this thread is L's magnet :milaugh:
Anyway here's my 2 cents
- Luffy will 1v1 Kaidou for abit, then get knocked the f out, again.
- Yamato will come for Rooftop, confront Kaidou and buy Luffy time to recover
- The SHs finish their opponent
- Sanji and Zoro vs King/Queen (solo or tagteam)
- Hiyori/Momo and Zoro will confront Orochi, but Zoro will let Hiyori cut off Orochi's head
- Kid fights Big Mom, but not beating her, just stalls her for a bit before Onigashima arrives at mainland Wano. Then BM dips with the Red Poneglyph
- .......ZKK at the flower capital

I will gladly take my L (Ls) if any of those won't happen. :funky:
Was this before the chapter Luffy got knocked out? :milaugh:


Talent is something you make bloom.
Just to remind some that Marco fought BASE King and Queen, and has a hack DF that basically allows him to ignore and regenerate any kind of damage (like a severed wing) for quite a while.
Meanwhile Sanji is a normal human with no DF ability and, at the very least, Queen is on hybrid. Don't know about King, though. Probably is on base still. Maybe on animal form. And all they can do is knock him down for a little while, and he immediately comes back without the need of special medicine.
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