Man this thread is L's magnet

Anyway here's my 2 cents
- Luffy will 1v1 Kaidou for abit, then get knocked the f out, again.
- Yamato will come for Rooftop, confront Kaidou and buy Luffy time to recover
- The SHs finish their opponent
- Sanji and Zoro vs King/Queen (solo or tagteam)
- Hiyori/Momo and Zoro will confront Orochi, but Zoro will let Hiyori cut off Orochi's head
- Kid fights Big Mom, but not beating her, just stalls her for a bit before Onigashima arrives at mainland Wano. Then BM dips with the Red Poneglyph
- .......ZKK at the flower capital
I will gladly take my L (Ls) if any of those won't happen.