What will happen till end of Wano?

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Bro were talking about wano.

Everything you are saying is irrelevant and does not debunk or refute anything I've said.

I shitted on your life. Take your L with grace and walk away in defeat. I'm done with you. Continue your own echo chamber

Edit: ashura is literally said to be a damn illusion in the manga. Stop the 🧢
You still didn't prove that i "confirmed" the points i was refuting , you are eating the fat L here, btw ashura being an "illusion" is kuku's first impression so that's not confirmed


Kitetsu Wanker
Yeah...Oda ruined Sanji...
So the moral of the story is, take drugs kids, modify and get random DNA to enhance yourselfs. Don't be human kids!
Nice writing Oda lmao - what kinda BS is that?
He actually didnt ruin anything, Sanji's progress is exactly as expected.
He doesnt have a DF like Luffy to get stronger by developing its abilities.
He isnt training like Zoro is nor does he use dangerous weapons.

The guy who does nothing and the fandom that wants him to be like Zoro...
That's where the problem lies. The power-ups have to come from other sources.
That's why you have family tech coming to his aid, because he himself isnt doing anything about it.
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