What will happen till end of Wano?

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CoA and CoO are base tools, adv CoC is something else.
Adv CoC acts as a buffer between you and your opponent, it is antithetical to pure swordsmanship.

Kick's kings aren't minor, Rayleighs kicks saved Zoro's life. Sai and Judge use a spear and kicks, I wouldn't call them pure spearman. Kicks are all Sanji uses and he is on par with Zoro, so they aren't to be discounted just because you are a zorotard.

I don't see Mihawk incoporating brawling into his sword style and don't think he has adv CoC tbh.

I think Shanks and Mihawk had swordsmanship duels but Shanks' actual combat incorporated kicks, then he learnt adv CoC while becoming a Yonko, after he stopped dueling Mihawk. You cannot debunk this, we will have to wait and see, but that is the argument distilled as to why Shanks is not just as swordsman.
Adv CoC is also haki. Stop kidding yourself. The very strongest use it- and that can include swordsmen just fine. It's not some divine additional weapon which is shooting bullets.

You can enhance your swordsmanship and sword attacks with it, so it's a part of your swordsmanship. As simple as it gets.

There's nothing as "kick user". You're either a brawler, or you're a swordsman. A brawler can incorporate sharp attacks into their arsenal (Lucci) while a swordsman can incorporate kicks and punches into their arsenal (Zoro) ocassionally. But all in all, your main fighting style and stuff decides what you are. Shanks has 312984782397498238947239873298749823 portrayals and statement that inches him towards being a swordsman, and zero towards non-swordsman.
Zoro fandom : anyone who is a sword is a swordsman and there is not such thing as pure swordsman
Zoro himself : King, is not a swordsman while sword is his main weapon

have some fucking shame
you guys have called KIZARU is a swordsman
Yeah because no one saw him kicking or punching more than him slicing someone.
Did you read "Nami" vs Ulti?
U sure about that "never" part?
Sword fights, characters random ability to teleport behind an enemy and just conjure damage effects without any fluid sequences, etc... are just some of the constant examples of how amateur the action sequences look in One Piece.

I saw one user say that the previous chapter had amazing "Paneling." Like do they know what the term "paneling" or "out-of-box/bounds" mean? Nah they probably do.

It's just that the One Piece fan base is STARVING...

Just wait and see . Zoro will get same treatment like in thriller bark after the fight with Kuma
You mean tanking ALL the pain and fatigure of Luffy? who ate a shit tons of club attacks in the face? that would easily be the Best feat of all time bar none , iit would imply that Zoro's durability is superior to fucking Whitebeard
Zoro: "You're right.
Now I think about it, you never said you are a swordman..."

Zoro fandom : B-but Zoro he is using a sword!! how did you miss that. there is not such thing as a pure swordsman. anyone who have a sword is a swordman
They should apologize and take their L, but instead they are insisting for proof about Shanks' full fighting style STILL.
After this king>>>lamato
Cinera a clown
Yamato has almost use her df power against 1 of the flying six, and we saw how big the gap between this 2 group are...

In any case, King would be very hard also for people such Luffy, remember that Luffy got KO from Apoo due to not knowing his power.

Vs king that would mean dead, so yeah all people that are comparing A to B are wrong. One Piece doesnt work like that.

In any case, Oda panels were great in this chapter, very dynamic, and about Zoro story, finally we start to explore his background, but the fact that he want to become the strongest swordsman in the world hast be explain yet which mean we will get more of that lore.

Nice that Hyogoro and Kamatsu are the one commenting about Zoro, (Hyogoro the one that commented about Luffy) is now commenting about Zoro too. Well this 2 Luffy&Zoro are indeed the MVP of the entire Wano arc.

What is missing for Zoro is that he has to show something so amazing that will be remember for century as Ryuma. That is what I believe the story(plot for this caracther) is moving for.
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