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they will be there as a support, each will launch their small attack just for the symbolic

+ it's pretty obvious when you see that they are still in good shape after their fight against the TRs

+ we will have a parallel with Blackbeard and his crew against Whitebeard
Meh fine. I guess it would be pretty cool to see Kaido trying to crush the will of the SH crew, and them all being unwavering.
I think this chapter CONFIRMS that Jack + Everyone else who were defeated are not coming back through Zoan awakening or some shit

Jack himself admits it… one more hit… and he will be out for the count… and boom, solung and gets defeated.

so, all the theories about Tobi Roppo and calamities after getting defeated to stand up again is debunked by Jack himself here…

maybe Queen and King will be different a bit though and they last longer because of it…

but definitely not the rest..
You didn't have to put "I think" it just a fact at this point lol
Pedro killed himself, if anybody wants to avenge him they should go look for his corpse in the ocean and take it with him
I agree, but the revenge was carried anyway. My point is that it being Nekomamushi is even lamer. At least in WCI you had a whole chapter of Carrot sobbing over Pedro and then Oda building the antagonism between Carrot and Perospero. Even if you hate it there's a clear set-up.

Neko only met Peros 4 chapters ago and I don't think he's even interacted with Pedro on-screen. "revenge for pedro" is the worst side plot in the series:hope:
Tbf i don’t think you should blame people, I mean the issue here is Oda’s writting.

At this point there are too much glaring flaws in how he chooses to told the story and how certain characters are treat.

Look, at this point of the arc Kidd should have been more proéminent and should have have far better feats on screen. I mean the guy have 0 haki feats while Luffy, which he is supposed to rival, keep getting haki power up. That’s idiotic.
Except for Luffy's MC factor who reached kilometrical heights this arc, I don't see Kidd writing as bad or something...
The only thing I complain about is how the Kaido-Linlin switch happened, I understand that they had to think quickly but that was rushed.
As for the panel time, Kidd's will be the second last battle showcased in detail so it makes sense that the best is coming later. I also expect next chapter to have a focus on Kidd-Law vs Linlin similar to the one Luffy-Yamato-Momo vs Kaido had this chapter.

In a nutshell, I think it's not about bad writing but about people feeling the urge to belittle Kidd, no matter what he's doing (fighting Top Tiers no stop, for example...)
I agree, but the revenge was carried anyway. My point is that it being Nekomamushi is even lamer. At least in WCI you had a whole chapter of Carrot sobbing over Pedro and then Oda building the antagonism between Carrot and Perospero. Even if you hate it there's a clear set-up.

Neko only met Peros 4 chapters ago and I don't think he's even interacted with Pedro on-screen. "revenge for pedro" is the worst side plot in the series:hope:
Carrot overall is a shitty character, so no surprise her side plot sucks
he only noticed Sanji's moves are off from how he usually operates. It
nope, that's why he asks "are you gonna slow me down?" Sanji wouldn't usually do that, also Queen in the viz translations makes fun of both Zoro and Sanji's AP telling them that they must do better if they want to take down them, also King attacks Sanji and Queen attacks Zoro, they don't threat them differently and Queen is also confident on attacking the swordsman, Zoro was also worried about Queen's blow but luckily Sanji covered Zoro's back just like marimo did with him against King.
Nejo actually has candy arrows on his body
So either Pero was wrecking base neko offscreen or it was back and forth exchange between neko & Pero

In both cases, Pero > or >= Base Neko!

He's truly a trick powerful fighter like Doffy is bur doffy is stronger tho
That in no way proofs the Yonkou superiority. When you attack the Yonkou you don't need to be afraid of people just as strong as them, lovely how y'all need such desperate arguments to put the Admirals down.
You might be right and at the same time not since in OP context we know from a long time ago that Yonko are the cream of the crop in the world, so this is only another piece of evidence for it.
“Doffy is closer to Queen than King”
”Doffy is more closer to King than Queen”

Queen literally has better feats than both of them combined lmao. What is wrong with this fanbase lol. Man I regret all my King wank. I was just as delusional as these dudes. King is literally nothing above Queen. He didnt defeat Marco off-panel solo. Yall need to wake up.

Why would Queen say this if King defeated him solo. Hed either scold King for failing or wouldnt be suprised at all. Sigh.


Zoro Worshipper
No kidd fan is actually mad
Only zoro fans think we are salty or mad lol

I dont even expect kidd to beat bM
All I know is that he will show amazing feats and awaken his fruit and AdCoc
Well most Kidd fans ardently wish and some actually think their character beats Big Mom however, that would be gold despite being supported by Law.
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