What you all rate Wano out of 10? Personally i think it could've been better, so my rating is 7.6/10 (would put an 8...but idk, I'm just not feeling like it should get that score, not every arc is gonna be top tier), let's hope Elbaf brings back some excitement to the table, whenever it comes around at least, I just miss the adventurous, piratey feeling One piece used to have in it's arcs, Wano lacked that feeling ever since it started off, so it feels sorta hollow for me, still a good arc, but nothing spectacular to say, maybe it's because i've been reading it weekly ever since Wano started is why i think it's not all that, maybe binge watching it will give it a better reception from me, idk, even the side characters in Wano seem forgettable, some at least, like Tama

, and a few others i don't care to mention, idk man maybe i'm just tired of the samurai theme? Which tbh, wasn't executed to it's fullest potential, I think i'm also tired of the "open the borders" and the "defeat kaido" and the "i'm Oden!" Stuff....gosh, they talk about that shit too much man! Especially Oden!

, The man's dead, fulfill his wish, which is beat kaido, free Wano kuni and open up the borders! That's it! No need to yab about it so much, people already know what the goal is here, jeez, anyways that's enough rambling from me, maybe i just felt like blowing off some steam, I may not have brought up any valid points but...give me your insight, I wanna know what people think about Wano as a whole.