Strongest YC1

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So much 'character' huhh. By your logic.

Kaidou is the strongest while Luffy ain't. It is bullshit if Luffy is as strong as Kaido since beginning. Luffy didn't sleep, he was KOed. While Luffy recovered, he is not 100% (you can see that bruises and injuries are still there). Kaido is weakened, but we don't know how much he was weakened. Let us see and then comment.
He never said he wanted to fight kaido alone. In fact he told luffy he wanted to help fight him with Luffy. Are you slow. This is luffy fight that Zoro went too and luffy didn't declare it until 17 people jumped him n he ate and slept. Yes you sleep when you are KO idiot. Luffy literally says himself when he sleeps and eat he at his toughess . Stop the BS. Luffy took a hour long break to eat while Kaido was fighting.

Kaido weaken enough that his clouds are malfunctioning and Momo going to be able to stop Onigashima. Thats how much he weaken a freaking novice at dragon powers will overpower his flames.
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Was that a question? I dont think he did but from last chapter we saw some bruises on him and sanji.
Those bruises were on him from the roof


You can't win
So Momo will end up being able to stop Onigashima from falling with his dragon clouds

I remember how impressive it looked the first time Kaido did it. Momo is making it look less impressive :goatasure:

Also the more feats Momo will get the more the question in what exactly did Vegapunk consider that df as a failure

Vegapunk while reading my question:

I didn't like the design, i wanted my blue dragon

On the other hand, it hypes SSG even more. If his failure is this original, how powerful is SSG :memehm:
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