Strongest YC1

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Luffy tells Yamato to go help Momonosuke, who is on the edge of the island unable to jump because he doesn't know how to fly yet.
Yamato hits Momonosuke's head with his kanabo.
Zoro is hit by King's attack, he tries to stop it with his swords but the attack is so powerful that Zoro flies through the wall.
King's attack has been so strong that Zoro flies through one of the corridors near to the “Live Floor”.
Zoro says King is strong
Zoro stops King's flap and even manages to hit King's head. But King's attack is very powerful and Zoro is thrown away again. This time he goes through several walls and finally he's blown outside of Onigashima's castle. Zoro spits blood from his mouth.
King doesn't stop and attacks Zoro again (Zoro is surprised). The blow takes Zoro off Onigashima Island
And that's what happens when you overhype your character to oblivion.
"ZoRo BlOcKeD hAkAi Yc ArE fOdDeR cOmPaReD tO hIm! NoBoDy CaN rEcReAtE tHiS fEaT!"
Yet Zoro gets overpowered by every attack King throws at him :cantseeme:
So i guess Kings attacks are stronger than combined Kaidou and BM attack? Lmao
I thought king used his beak to push zoro back ?? What happened zorobros ?? Your stupid copium never ends . Instead shutting the fuck up and reading the story, you clowns jump to conclusions shitting on characters. Here is king overpowering zoro at his own game .
Zoro is ready to die against King inside of 2 chapters, Marco soloed King + Queen for 15 chapters:gokulaugh::gokulaugh::gokulaugh:

Zoro: ''At least let me die with a sword...!! '', :josad::josad::josad::josad::vistalaugh::vistalaugh::vistalaugh:
these guys are pathetic, they talk bad about Marco, but he was fighting this King and Queen attacking together, Zoro can barely stand up against King. Marco won a W

same thing for Sanji who faced King and Marco, anyone there would be thrown away

King: "You're still alive. I'm sorry I didn't kill you. I couldn't wait any longer."

(Zoro and King clash swords.)

Zoro: (WTF look at his chipped swords.)

King: "There's another level to blackening swords. Don't think you can even compare to me."

(Zoro and King continue to clash with Zoro getting fucked over.)


Magic Sword, Magic Swordsman, and Can Cut Anything
King is a 1 bil + top YC.

That's the strongest YC's through hype we got since Luffy challenged Katakuri, and Jimbe said it's a crazy bet for him to try to fight someone worth more than 1 billion berri.

Katakuri, Queen, King, Marco >> Jack, Cracker, Smoothie or characters like the Dukes.

The strongest YC's were the one's being underestimated :kayneshrug:
King is yc1 with the bigger bounty more than marco
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