Who is Stronger?

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Yooooooo, I still place chapter 1026 as the worst chapter I have ever read in any manga however chapter 1029 is a close second. What did I just read? Like what is even the point of Hawkins being in Wano? What is the point of Big Mom being in Wano? Like all this is just a waste of time. Was the only purpose of Hawkins to be in Wano so that he can get defeated? Is Big Mom only in Wano just so she can just keep repeating the same attacks over and over again?
not to forget to become olin. I think kidd will hit so hard that bigmom will get injured go back to being olin.
I think there's a big chance beckman was the one who took Kid's arm, if it wasn't shanks.

Oda has the habit of giving a character one weapon, and having their style be something completely different. Take who's who, who initially we all thought was a swordsman. King is another example of this.

Anyways, Luffy said he wanted to defeat all 4 yonko, so I'm willing to bet there'll be a clash between the red hair and straw hat pirates eventually. Zoro would inevitably fight beckman, and hence I'm willing to bet Beckman can use cutting attacks.

He's probably a more OP version of Izo, where he imbues Ryuo and possibly ACoC into his bullets to make them cut as well as pierce.


Talent is something you make bloom.
Yooooooo, I still place chapter 1026 as the worst chapter I have ever read in any manga however chapter 1029 is a close second. What did I just read? Like what is even the point of Hawkins being in Wano? What is the point of Big Mom being in Wano? Like all this is just a waste of time. Was the only purpose of Hawkins to be in Wano so that he can get defeated? Is Big Mom only in Wano just so she can just keep repeating the same attacks over and over again?
Hawkins is one of the enemies, buddy.
You thought he was gonna win?
A fellow Vinland saga fan i see, tbh, that look was his best look (that and when he had his hair in a pony tail, he looked just like thors) , he looked like a priest who was fed up of his life and realised half of it makes no sense because being religious back then was all about being selective and being a hypocritical asshat, Vinland saga season 2 is gonna be good.
You want some time off of the forum? *Looking at that avi*
So Killer character development in Wano>>> Usopp, Chopper, Franky, Brook and maybe Nami, well Robin as well.

Killer looking out for his captain is hardly any big development .
It was great to see but that is like saying the SH looking out for luffy is a development .
We just don't see it often with other crews but Killer is basically Zoro\Sanji for Kidd.
Never said he was running away because he couldn't defeat his opponent. I said he is running away knowing full well that he is needed regardless in battle. His reasons for running away is stupid. He isn't hindered. He isn't afraid of being weaker than his opponent. He gets a buff and still decides to run away. That my friend is trash
Queen is still chasing him tho, this is clearly oda moving the location of the fight. Honestly when controversial stuff like this happens with Sanji you'd think most would learn by now to wait and see what it leads to for Sanji.

Like serious question, can someone tell me why Big Mom, Marco, Hawkins, Drake, Izo, Ashura, Hiyori and more are in Wano? Like none of these characters have served any purpose in being here. Why did Oda create Ashura and Hiyori for if he isn't going to have them do anything?
Trust me hiyori will have her purpose. Will re invigorate zoro to help luffy against kaido. She may probably even heal him again to make sure he is able to do so.

She will probably be the driving force for orochis defeat. Cant defend the other characters you mentioned though lol
i will start wanking sanji if this turns out to be the case
lol you saw his brothers there is no way that they will become cold hearted infront of women that is a daydream but even though they lust ,they will also beat women without mercy which is not sanji's code and i don't think sanji will be cold hearted because that will make sora sacrifice to go for waste. This is all redherring on oda's part.

Gorosei Informer

Chapter is completely fucking fine.
Hawkins ACTUALLY did at least something.
His explanation wasn't a "lecture".
Sanji running is basically him getting some distance while he collects his thoughts and he tanked the barrage of shots.
And we actually get a little bit of the big mom fight action.
Do you understand now when I say korean leaker is trash?
I'm happy this fight got at least a SH vs Flying 6 level of treatment.
The Sanji stuff is exactly what I was hoping for and expected but this Korean leaker really seems to like make Sanji look bad purposely for a while now.

Also I completely agree, I wasn't expecting Oda to give a non SH this much love, I'm really pleasantly surprised, especially after how he wasted Jack too.

I'm not bothered about X Drake but him and Apoo really deserve this same respect too. Really hope Oda is gonna make Kid shine finally now too, let him be the Luffy for once! (And I don't mean Luffy when he gets his ass kicked hard!)
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