Who has the best Onigashima PU?

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I don't know why zoro fans have this obsession where zoro needs to be levels above any character Oda implies he's comparable to.

Kid gets awakening and is set up to beat big mom, therefore Zoro must get ACoC or a black blade against king. Does it make sense that Zoro gets top tier power ups against King(and not against an admiral or mihawk)? Nope.

But he must because agenda.
Basic common sense the clown said :kobeha:
Fucking idiot, if Enma is forcing MORE Haki than Zoro wants to use, it's indirectly increasing its output attack.
If Zoro uses 1 point of Haki by himself while Enma forces 2 points of Haki, then that attack is stronger, because 2 > 1, do you get it CLOWN?

These guys are hopeless hahaha.
Bullshitter if I wanted to pour a half glass worth of water yet this glass that I have forces me to pour more water into it knowing full well that only so much water fits in the glass anyway is it then forcing the output? No. Why becuase the water still caps at the length of the glass. I can already pour the glass full of water without the glass forcing me too. However thats the glass ability to always have me full it. Therefore the output isn't increased since its not going over what I can already do without the glasses intervention

Oh and bullshitter definition of the word output: the amount of something produced by a person, machine, or industry.. Enma literally doesn't increase it since its already output since he can already produce it
If Luffy shows also his awakening or G5 + with the actual advanced haki he has, what PU he gonna have for the next villains ?
He needs already to coat his adv.coc with his G4 attacks ...

For now Zoan awakening are just recovery and toughness, Kaido may use it but after his defeat against Luffy :shakiously:
He will have final and ultimate powerup, the "power of friendship/nakama" that will work as a magic to recover him instead of eating meat.
Bullshitter if I wanted to pour a half glass worth of water yet this glass that I have forces me to pour more water into it knowing full well that only so much water fits in the glass anyway is it then forcing the output? No. Why becuase the water still caps at the length of the glass. I can already pour the glass full of water without the glass forcing me too. However thats the glass ability to always have me full it. Therefore the output isn't increased since its not going over what I can already do without the glasses intervention
An irrelevant example which has nothing to do with what happened with Zoro, but +1 forthis mental gymnastics :suresure:
If you can't even understand that the output is greater since Zoro adjusted his strength to cut a tree and instead cut a much bigger thing since Enma forced out more Haki, then you're hopeless and possible mentally retarded.
An irrelevant example which has nothing to do with what happened with Zoro, but +1 forthis mental gymnastics :suresure:
If you can't even understand that the output is greater since Zoro adjusted his strength to cut a tree and instead cut a much bigger thing since Enma forced out more Haki, then you're hopeless and possible mentally retarded.
Bullshitter I gave you the exact example. Enma is the glass and haki is the water. Replace the words I have and it's the same situation. It's just common sense escapes you is all

The output is only considered greater if the sword is adding something to zoros output. It isn't
Big mom had ample time to use homies etc. She had her crew including smoothie. With all of them having long ranged attacks. Yet even upon seeing him not one of them had the reaction speed to actually react
And how exactly do you propose any of them did them when King approached them from the under belly of the ship? Do they have x-ray vision so they can see through the ship? Should they have attacked their own ship, in hopes of blindly hitting King?
The crew was on the ship and big mom was on the ship. The crew and bigmom saw he was coming.ing and they could not react
Doesn’t matter, the ship was mid air and King is a flying zoan. The same feat was done by Marco it’s nothing special. If King did what he did directly to BM in fighting ground he wouldn’t have done shit.
And how exactly do you propose any of them did them when King approached them from the under belly of the ship? Do they have x-ray vision so they can see through the ship? Should they have attacked their own ship, in hopes of blindly hitting King?
Perospero literally stated that he sees something coming which means big mom could have ride her home zues or Prometheus a d attack accordingly but she didn't because she didn't have the speed to counter king going at full velocity
I don't know why zoro fans have this obsession where zoro needs to be levels above any character Oda implies he's comparable to.

Kid gets awakening and is set up to beat big mom, therefore Zoro must get ACoC or a black blade against king. Does it make sense that Zoro gets top tier power ups against King(and not against an admiral or mihawk)? Nope.

But he must because agenda.
What are you babbling about.

Zoro already used AdvCoC and showed AdvCoA.

This has nothing to do with "ZoRo FAnS" especially when its the other faction talking smack Zoro fans are simply saying don't ignore the rooftop since Oda established the hierarchy then and there.
Perospero literally stated that he sees something coming which means big mom could have ride her home zues or Prometheus a d attack accordingly but she didn't because she didn't have the speed to counter king going at full velocity
King came from up under the ship. Again I ask you. Were they supposed to attack their own ship? Can they see through the walls? Doesn't matter if King was spotted for a second. He then entered a blind zone that would be impossible for anyone to see.
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