What move did Sanji use to beat the prostitute up?

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Talent is something you make bloom.
Queen is looking too harmless for Sanji, hopefully in the next chapter he pulls a card up his sleeve with something that increases his speed and efficiency of his attacks.
I don't think braquiosnake is the strongest form of Queen, maybe the most hax
Sanji too strong for a mere YC2.
Need at least an Admiral now.
Lafitte will be Admiral+ level.


The Road To Harmony
That cover page is very nice, though it's missing a certain Marine gal.

Oda actually managed to have Sanji break his code and have it work narratively. Sanji's stood out from most of the Straw Hats in that he isn't changed by events around him, instead he's faced with obstacles which force him to compromise himself. It started with an enemy taking advantage of him in battle, when the stakes are so high they call for me to crack, and now he's being physically and mentally changed into someone he isn't and would rather accept death than to let himself be perverted any further.
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