Zoro vs King CoC Clash?!

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you know
its actually in the wg best interest for the yonkos to rule over the seas
you need to actually read the lore in op
defeating a yonko destroys the balance. yonkos allying together does as well.
yonkos in their territories
keeping other pirates at bay and sitting on their ass like big mom does is exactly the kind of yonko they love.
The fuck is this headcanon. Is that why they were planning on taking out WB a Yonko himself by luring him to their home territory? So they could "Keep the balance?"

Akainu literally went after BB after MF war to try and contain him. Dont give me that bullshit excuse of keeping the balance.

Yonkos rule the seas because Marines cant contain them and couldn't stop their growth to the top. They captured kaido multiple times and tried to kill him but failed. They needed to ally with Shichi in order to guarantee that the Yonkos wont stomp them before the SSG forces were created

"Keeping a balance" is a fool's headcanon that was created by Admiral powerscalers to justify Admirals being on par with Yonko when that was never the case
The only character i have a hate boner for is Baboonhawk. I've made this very clear. No matter what he does, I'll never acknowledge him.
Why do you feel this about Mihawk lol he's cool i guess, typical strong and cool guy, diligent and fashionable. A good and serious teacher, he's the WSS so he's acknowledged by the OP world as well.

The fandom wanking both Zoro and Mihawk is often unbearable tho, its like everywhere i go in this forum i only find Zoro-Mihawk wank and nothing else its like they love the cartoon characters more then their gfs, i imagine if theres a thread about dating and marriage or what are your sexual preferences and activities and stuff i'll still find those kinda threads being hijacked by sword wank cult lol
Except gorsei say admirals are strongest fighting force. They are worried about admiral being lazy as admiral are strongest fighter for world government.

If gorsei are stronger than admirals as you claimed, they should help Garp in rock war, marineford war to fight whitebeard, to end Blackbeard nonsense, etc.

IM is hiding like coward meanwhile god enel public rule the sky island..

Bowser and ganondorf rule the openly unlike IM the coward.
imu and gorosei must keep their position their real enemy is joy boy the navy is only the visible face of the wg

imu awaits the man in the straw hat AKA luffy for the ultimate duel that will define who will write history

imu >>>>>> gorosei >>Admirals>SSG

Warchief Sanji D Goat

Amagami Sister!⛩️
Since we are discussing physics here, might as well elaborate on it since physics is one of my favorite subject in school.

So yes, fundamentally, gravity should be stronger than magnetism. But in real life, scientists emphasized that magnetism is overall stronger force. And since One Piece is a fictional story, obviously RL logic won't apply here.

But if we're talking about electromagnetism which is another thing then it is conventionally stronger than gravity. Electromagnetic > Gravity > Magnetic essentially.

About Kidd and Law vs Big Mom, I liked all of them and try to defend both sides' arguments but if you're taking my opinion, Kidd and Law will "beat" Big Mom not via brute force but rather tricks and deployed tactics. Cuz it's still too soon for Kidd and Law to beat a Yonko unless Big Mom is significantly nerfed which I highly doubt. With that said, Kidd and Law will "beat" Big Mom and kick her out of Wano but she'll be still alive for Elbaf event. Not as a main villain of the arc of course.
The strongest force of all is by a staggering amount the Strong Nuclear Force, the one that binds quarks together thanks to massless bosons called gluons to form protons and neutrons and keep them inside an atom's nucleus, even protons amongst themselves overcoming their equal charges (between protons).

Electromagnetic force is the most beautiful to me anyway. It's basically the force that binds negatively charged electrons to positively charged atomic nuclei, making sure stable atoms can form and therefore life can happen and this occurs thanks to photons intermediating the process according to Quantum Field Theory. So there's much more to this force than just the classic: "moving electric currents can produce magnetic fields, and changing magnetic fields can induce electric currents to flow".

It's a pity that no theory of everything has been found to have all four forces fit however, but in the String Theory theoretical framework that at least occurs mathematically, cause in 11-dimensional hyperspace they start to finally fit.

I'm a massive nerd I know.
imu and gorosei must keep their position their real enemy is joy boy the navy is only the visible face of the wg

imu awaits the man in the straw hat AKA luffy for the ultimate duel that will define who will write history

imu >>>>>> gorosei >>Admirals>SSG
Imu dont look like a fighter, and gorosei are old af...

I might be wrong depending on how the story goes though

An explosion caused by King or straight up out of nowhere?

Sanji finally asking the real question here. Took long enough.

I was hoping for a good answer from Queen but all I got was this:

So even Zoro's main finishing move didn't do jack to King?

So couple or all of Zoro's swords fall of the island which indicates Zoro got defeated? Usually when swordsman doesn't hold on to their weapons in a duel proves that either that person got defeated or incapable of fighting for a while. Let's see how this plays out.

I don't know. Maybe they suddenly grows legs and walks by itself?

Didn't Gyukimaru explained something similar like this already?

So does that applies to every swords or just Kitetsu only?


So Enma is indeed alive?

Did Zoro fall back to the dome or something?


Zoro to King:

You go Zoro.
(Wonder what kind of debt Zoro is talking about though?)

Great stuff.
Great entertaining post wow i can never make this kinda post.


Btw about the spoilers so i guess Zoro's CoC being awakened (soldiers falling) is the start of Zoro using his CoC to conquer and tame Enma's haki eating-storing trait? Since if it's only armament then Enma will keep absorbing it without mercy and keep using it as its own? Oden has CoC so he can tame it (easily) and control-direct its storage and release...it's a good lore about swords and Zoro's CoC development.

...still curious about King tho, he seems to be a weird mixture of things. Magellan suit, bird wings in human form? Pteranodon? Charizard?
I dont think just cause Fuji has a better power means it's better at everything.

All Kid has is controlling metal. He is for sure pulling with more force since magnetism is stronger locally than the force of gravity.
I think Fuji pull strength ( what we have seen) is so far superior.

We only have seen aoe some moves so we don't know if focusing in a small area increases its pull power.

During kid awakening against BM for example law was next to her and he kept his sword so it doesn't seem overwhelming the magnetic pull.


Peerless In History
Since we are discussing physics here, might as well elaborate on it since physics is one of my favorite subject in school.

So yes, fundamentally, gravity should be stronger than magnetism. But in real life, scientists emphasized that magnetism is overall stronger force. And since One Piece is a fictional story, obviously RL logic won't apply here.

But if we're talking about electromagnetism which is another thing then it is conventionally stronger than gravity. Electromagnetic > Gravity > Magnetic essentially.

About Kidd and Law vs Big Mom, I liked all of them and try to defend both sides' arguments but if you're taking my opinion, Kidd and Law will "beat" Big Mom not via brute force but rather tricks and deployed tactics. Cuz it's still too soon for Kidd and Law to beat a Yonko unless Big Mom is significantly nerfed which I highly doubt. With that said, Kidd and Law will "beat" Big Mom and kick her out of Wano but she'll be still alive for Elbaf event. Not as a main villain of the arc of course.
Keep your head up young buck with that physics. :josad: Shit smacked me around.
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