Youtube comments are just above reddits comments in term of BS. all messages are condensed so we don't know who said what. same as reddit. bro i legit saw someone said jack will low diff fujitora and sengoku together lmao!
Even worse from 10 years ago or more from YouTube. I remember a guy named alekslab23 who is biggest Zelda wanker and biggest Mario downplayer . Used to debate him before.
This guy legit say a baby can beat Mario in fight because Mario die by enemy touching due 2D gameplay. Think paper Mario is weak because he think they are made of paper literally.
I counter argument agansit him before like using 3D and rpg Mario games.
‘Zelda game like link awaking have chain chomp enemy and link can’t defeat or kill this chain chomp enemy . Mario kill or beat chain chomps in rpg games, super Mario bro 3 with hammer suit.
How alekslab23 respond is that Mario chain chomp version is weaker than Zelda chain chomp version.
Yept this guy legit argue for this in debate Mario vs link battle.
YouTube comments are crazy and gold mine. Wish I have time machine so I can screenshoot 10 years ago or more on YouTube comments.