We start the chapter with Hokage fight.
Fuku is complaining about burning while Raizo aint even losing focus when he is burning.
He is a vassal of Oden. He cant even feel this heat.
Orochi is in the same floor with Fukurokuju. I can see that both conflict ending after this fight with Hiyori cutting Orochi.

We see Jinbe saving some people from fire in 2nd floor. Fire is almost spread all over the castle thanks to Kazenbo.
Talking about Kazenbo we FINALLY see Yamato arriving at armory. It was a long chase. Yamato freezes the bombs and starts to fight Kazenbo.
Kazenbo talks this chapter. So its has conscious like Kanjuro's other creations but this time its mission is destroying.
Kazenbo vs Yamato, Oda finally starts to end this conflict.
Izo jumps from 1st floor to B1. Izo loves parkours from what we can see.
Izo after his long jump starts to talks about number advantages while holding his scar. Number advantages are important in One Piece. At least thats what Oda is saying here.
Izo and CP0 meets and CP0 was about to let Izo go but after CP0 says that they are after strawhats Izo says dont move.
Whitebeard remnants helping the strawhats and putting their trust on them.

How CP0 conflict is gonna end i wonder maybe Denjiro will try to stop them with Izo.
Chopper sensei recoveres from his side effects. We will miss you BabyGeezer.

Chopper is worried about Zoro and medicine's side effects. Zoro is taking damage since the beginning of the raid. Medicine's side effects is gonna be huge and we see that in the next page.
We see Zoro meets a someone looking like a grim reaper who is about to attack him. While at the same time Franky runs to help him.

Who could that Grim reaper maybe fire festival's spirit.

Like Chopper said Zoro please dont die

but conquer death
Now we are moving to the main event Kid and Law vs Big Mom. It took us a long time even if this chapter's title is Kid and Law vs Big Mom.
Blame Oda for lingering around all over the castle and putting less focus on the fight.

And its a vs title it means that fight is ending in a few chapters. So this might be the one of the last times Kid and Law doing something in Wano. After this fight there isnt much to do for them.
We start with BM beating Kid and Law to death. Big Mom is a monster even against a 2 supernova.

Not a good look for them. Their crew tries to save their captain but BM doesnt let them to do that. There are some interesting designs within Kid's crew maybe Oda explains them in the Vivre Card in the future.
BM was about to go to help Kaido not even finshing her enemies before this.

This conflict should have ended sooner if she just finishes her enemies right there. Buuuuuuut plot is stronger than anything. :jackaugh:
Luffy is holding Kaido while all of this is happening.

Kid and Law knows if BM goes to the roof they are gonna lose so they are trying to stop her with their everything as they say the same thing at the end of the chapter.
Law does a sneak attack on BM and damages her again. Law's awakening is so op.
Homies tries to attack Law but Kid makes a bull bigger than Bigger Mom and says something interesting.
"If you give it long enough. Even mountains can be worn down by rain!"
And he strikes her with his bull. Chapter ends with them saying even if it kills me you are not reaching the roof.
This fight will end in few chapters i wish Oda would focus on this earlier like he did with Kaido fight.
After this fight i can see Oda wraping up Orochi, Fukurokuju, Kazenbo, maybe CP 0. End of Act 3 is finally on sight even if still we have a long way to go.
This was a nice chapter first part was setup for other plotlines while the other part is Kid and Law vs Big Mom.
I am giving 3 stars to this chapter. If it was all fight i could give 4 for stars but Oda visited so many places before this.
This was a long post. I couldnt write properly for the last few chapters so i wrote an essay this time.

Thx for everyone reading this far.