Who did more damage to Linlin?

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Why's Shock Wille more devastating than COC attacks? They both do literally the same thing with the exception being that Luffy's attacks force their way through Kaido's defense, which is no longer an issue due to COC's inclusion. Kaido's durability is indeed on another level to Big Mom. I don't even understand why people are acting like Big Mom is as durable as Kaido.
I thought Kaido's durability was entirely tied to his Oni species. Yamato clearly has the same durability too combined with her ice armor.

I agree that BM was never noted for having the same Tenacity/durability as Kaido. Her iron balloon defense has nothing to do with soaking damage once it's bypassed. Kaido on the otherhand has constantly been bloody since 986 and continues to fight.


World's Strongest Swordsman
I thought Kaido's durability was entirely tied to his Oni species. Yamato clearly has the same durability too combined with her ice armor.

I agree that BM was never noted for having the same Tenacity/durability as Kaido. Her iron balloon defense has nothing to do with soaking damage once it's bypassed. Kaido on the otherhand has constantly been bloody since 986.
They beat her with what ? 6 on panel attacks ?

She ain't comparable to kaido
Manga suggests you NEED ACoC for King? So Rooftop Luffy would lose to King? Law and Kid would lose to King?

Your King wank has reached new levels of stupid.
I don't think you specifically need ACoC to deal with King.

You need either genuine top tier AP or a way to properly bypass his flame-on defense.

As far as pre-ACoC Luffy goes, I don't see how he would be able to damage flame-on King. It seemed like his internal destruction proficiency was either not good enough to properly damage Kaido...whether or not it would work on King is debatable

I stand by what I've said about King before:

He is fodder for top tiers to deal with, but nearly impossible for high tiers
They are definitely much closer than you estimated them to be in the past. Luffy, Law, Kid, and Zoro are grouped together by Oda in that they are the only ones to have these near death fights with top tiers(and actually be successful).
Maybe the only thing is when it comes to world wide achievements Luffy got to beat Kaido Law and Kidd got to have half a role each in beating Big Mom and Zoro only got to beat King.

Despite taming Enma, scarring Kaido, unlocking advCoC, king of hell, when it's all said and done world would only remember who he beat.

Would his bounty mention him blocking Hakai?? Scarring Kaido??

Would be nice if for once Zoro got the achievements rather than just feats
I don't think you specifically need ACoC to deal with King.

You need either genuine top tier AP or a way to properly bypass his flame-on defense.

As far as pre-ACoC Luffy goes, I don't see how he would be able to damage flame-on King. It seemed like his internal destruction proficiency was either not good enough to properly damage Kaido...whether or not it would work on King is debatable

I stand by what I've said about King before:

He is fodder for top tiers to deal with, but nearly impossible for high tiers
All your arguments about King can be applied to Bartolomeo.
I’ve seen some other people say this too. Where are y’all getting this from? I’m actually curious. Where was it said or even implied that Laws attacks are doing anything more than just damaging Big Mom? I don’t understand where this whole “Law is weakening Big Mom and making her vulnerable for Kidd” is coming from.
While I see your point, I think there is at least a solid ground to be made here to accept that Law's damaging Meme's internal organs made it easier for Kidd to break her bones via blunt force, which ordinarily wouldn't have been possible. After all, any damage to internal organs will always directly affect the stability of your health, especially in a high-risk situation like this fight.

Then again, I see this fight as a combo of Law's internal damages + Kidd's external damages, anyway, so if you think differently, that is also understandable.
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