Who did more damage to Linlin?

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So if big mom is defeated , where is her Finisher Move? Ops there isn't = not defeated
If she was not defeated I could see her taking the rest of her lifespan in a last stand attack trying to kill both Kidd & Law, dying in the process and making room for a new captain for the 'BMP'
Power scaling will see a major shift after BM's defeat.

Admirals are not that weak. Kidd and Law are on their way to become top tiers, they have not become top tiers yet. If they were, Law or Kidd could defeat BM solo. Like Luffy is going to defeat Kaido.

Luffy 100
Law 85
Kidd 85
Zoro somehwere in between.
You realise BM was kinda fresh?
Luffy can't solo fresh Kaido

Even Sengoku or Garp couldn't beat a Great Pirate, Kidd don't need to solo BM to be Top tiers

They are low top tiers both with Luffy as upper-mid top tier or just mid top tier


Kitetsu Wanker
Guys, Big Mom is clealry down, come on now lol. If some of you were shown her body that had been torn into 1500 different pieces and her head on a pike you would still want a chapter where Chopper examines her to be sure. Lol.
She can be done but she can also pull a parallel to Shadow Asgard.
Taking up 10 years of lifespan and growing a lot more.
That way Luffy can steal her from Law and Lidd just like Zoro steals Kaido from Luffy.
AdCoC means nothing when didn't beat a Yojko or stalemate one
It chopped a Lunarian God of the red wall into half who was far more impressive than a fat blob called Postmeme. :milaugh:

Right? :shocking:
It seems like Big Mom's defeat is still up in the air. I shouldn't have jumped the gun when I saw the initial spoilers. If she's not defeated this chapter, then I am going to expect that her defeat will be revealed the next chapter.

Maybe I missed it, but is there a break next week or not?
Let Big Mom get hit by a metal bull without all of her bones breaking.

Do you guys have any idea how bad of an anti-feat this is?
2 shotted

Akainu vs nerfed Yonko was like Queen vs nerfed Yonko
Only takes 2 moves to have them down and unable to move for a while

Imagine WB attacked again...Akainu would be KOed completely
Nope. Ridicilious.
That argue is so annoying bad. She is done, her Era is over, the fight is won by Kid and Law.
People try to dodge their L, try to claim she needs to step on a banana and die till my "fall" comes true.

Honestly, if THIS isnt a defeat and she stands up. Tell me your price, i take the risk. Losing Admin-Title? Fine. Deleting my account? Fine. There is no way this is not a defeat.
If you're that sure you've won, why not just wait a week?
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