Who did more damage to Linlin?

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Big Mom had her initial flashback in WCI, this secondary one would probably be like WB’s(who also got a flashback before dying)

katakuri literally got his flashback right before losing, he didn’t get a power up

and señor pink got his right about he was going down
Cap. Kat got his first flashback to his mouth being revealed with his sister frampee insulting him about it. Luffy then states he doesnt give a shit about it. And then kat fights serious. His second flashback was after he lost. Both happened with in the arc.

Bigmom had a flashback but not one pertaining to her days roaming the seas etc. That's the one she will get before revealing her true abilities (if she gets a flashback and isnt defeated this chapter). Once she has that if she were to have another it would suggest she would lose.

Queen is another outlier though since he didn't have a flash back but still lost
Law: "Hey... Eustass-ya...!! That's the second time you've done it!!
After my big attack... You go and do a flashier one that seems the winning attack...!!
I'm not your fucking support artist!!"
Lmao Law trying to throw shades at Kidd.:denzimote:

Law: "Um... After a bull... A hippopotamus? Or an elephant?"

Kid: "Shut up!! Do you really think I'm going to reveal the trump card that I have in my sleeve!!"
LOL, another shades.:kobeha:

Big Mom creates a sphere with Soru Soru no Mi powers and brings it close to her broken arm.

Big Mom: "I give you life!! Revive, my bones~~~!!
Ma~~~mamama, hahaha!!!"

Big Mom heals her own arm, she is overflowing with energy, black lightning comes out of her body. Kid and Law keep talking.
Dayum, Big Mom has healing powers too? Maybe that's her Awakening. That's OP as shit.

Law: "This is not a joke... Hah... Hah...
After the next round, I will run out of energy...!!!
My next attack will be my last...!!
I definitely won't miss...!!
So you have to do..."

Kid: "Don't give me orders!"
Love their interactions throughout the fight Lmao.
Kid: "“Assign”!!

Big Mom: "Ehhh!!?"

Kid puts an “S” on Big Mom's forehead and an “N” on a half-destroyed tower from Live Floor. Then Big Mom sticks to the tower like the 2 opposite poles of a magnet. Kid returns to his metal bull and prepares to charge at Big Mom again.

The panel must be amazing then.:handsup:
In an amazing double page, Big Mom uses her fused saber to create a giant woman of fire and thunder that attacks Kid. As Big Mom laughs and wonders if Kid is alive, a piece of a tower appears above Big Mom's head.

The tower crushes Big Mom as Kaidou's subordinates run away from the rubble. Law jumps at Big Mom, he coats his sword with a “K Room”. Kid is still standing, but he has many injuries.

Another tanking feat for Kidd.:kidsmile:
When she's getting up, Law stabs Big Mom's chest.

Big Mom: "Damn you~~~~~~!!!

Cut to the basement armory, we see Law's sword has also passed through this floor of the castle.

Cut to Wanokuni, we see Law's sword stabs the land of Wanokuni below Onigashima island.

Back to the Live Floor. Big Mom coated her fists with Haki and is hitting Law until he's near dead. But Law doesn't let go of the sword becouse he's making it go deeper and deeper.

The sword extended so long (sounds sus as hell:suresure:) that it reaches Wano mainland. Law's best AOE feat yet?

The shockwave from Law's attack goes through the entire Onigashima castle and produces a powerful explosion in Wanokuni. The explosion creates massive hole in the ground of Wanokuni below Onigashima island.

Big Mom screams in pain and spits blood out of her mouth again. Momonosuke looks from the sky the big hole that has been created in Wanokuni. Yamato looks at the roof of the armory and wonders what created that hole.
I'm actually shocked (no pun intended) from Law's feat.

Despite Law's attack, Big Mom is still standing and attacks Law with the giant woman of fire and thunder
Wig Wom.:fullmom:
In another fantastic double page, we can finally see Kid's trump card. He has created a huge electromagnetic cannon with which he's aiming at Big Mom from the air. Kid prepares the cannon while Law laughs confidently.
Kidd fans eating good!!!!
@rerere @Lukegranders @Iesd @Iaarm @Pantheos @ReggieZoldyck21 etc.
Big Mom: "Come on!!! Go ahead!!!
Do you think you can defeat me!!?
I am “Big Mom”!!!!"
Big Mom just pulled a Whitebeard!!!!!!

Kid: "I'm going to finish you off...!!!
“Damned Punk” (Magnetic Cannon - 電磁砲 (ダムド パンク))!!!!"
Pantheos gets the W here?:endthis:Hopefully the railgun panel would look great.
In an epic final double page, Kid fires a powerful beam that hits Big Mom's body, who falls to the ground spitting blood from her mouth. In the last panel of the chapter we see Law.
Kidd is amazing. Law is amazing. Big Mom is amazing.

@Rosella.Fiamingo I ain't even mad if Big Mom falls here. If she still be around for Elbaf then that would be even better.:cheers:
Law: "Your era ends here!!!"
Great job Law. Your boys are gonna be happy about this! @Trafalgar_D_Law @Hereforthesalt @Law-sama etc.:lawbepo:
I follow what you are saying. Basically even though it may be one thing does not mean it also consists of the other. Which does make sense for example even though laws attack is AOE based we know that it has DC since it directly affecting bigmom by causing damage. That I won't take away from law. The reasoning why i focus on the AOE side of it is when it pertains to the entire island. Laws attacks being island wide isnt really impressive in reference to what his ability is. For example what's more impressive punching or cutting an island to the point that everything is damaged destroyed or using an island attack that may cut people but not damage them island wide?
I agree in that sense since Law DF can be used to cause AOE damage rather easy in terms of island wide effect.
Like for eg WB for can hit you with a DC quake attack but that still will cause massive AoE damage even if the goal is fuck one person .
So when it come to DC or AoE i guess it depend on what find more impressive with certain factors in there along with what the DF can do .


Kitetsu Wanker
you mean I dont think zoro would be capable of doing alone what kidd and law together just had to do with extreme difficulty
absolutely shocking
I know
I should do better. rofl
You probably dont know that Zoro mid diffed a more durable character than Meme in 10 minutes.
You probably dont know that Zoro can tag her easier than slow character like Lidd can.
And you probably dont know that those two equal into Zoro mid diffing her in 5 mins tops.
Because, as always, Zoro cant be that strong. Right? :suresure:
the end of big mom

I rate kidd already but laws attack this chapter

throw 2 bil plus at each end of the arc
Oda made it vague whether Law's attack is powerful enough to be the finisher if their role was switched, but it seems that Law is always meant to be the support-debuffer while Kidd is meant to be the brute force-finisher.
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